Transcript abundance quantification from RNA-seq data (uses pseudoalignment for rapid determination of read compatibility with targets)
Software (C++)
Estimation of isoform abundances...
github.com - BFC is a standalone high-performance tool for correcting sequencing errors from Illumina sequencing data. It is specifically designed for high-coverage whole-genome human data, though also performs well for small genomes.
The BFC algorithm is a...
github.com - Long-read sequencing technologies have become increasingly popular in genome projects due to their strengths in resolving complex genomic regions. As a leading model organism with small genome size and great biotechnological importance, the budding...
academic.oup.com - Motivation: The Oxford Nanopore MinION device represents a unique sequencing technology. As a mobile sequencing device powered by the USB port of a laptop, the MinION has huge potential applications. To enable these applications, the...
github.com - Run a pipeline processing fast5s to a consensus in a single command.
Recommended fixed "standard" and "fast" pipelines.
Interchange basecaller, assembler, and consensus components of the pipelines simply by changing the target filepath.
sourceforge.net - EXCAVATOR, for the detection of copy number variants (CNVs) from whole-exome sequencing data. EXCAVATOR combines a three-step normalization procedure with a novel heterogeneous hidden Markov model algorithm and a calling method that classifies...
ncbi.github.io - Magic-BLAST is a tool for mapping large next-generation RNA or DNA sequencing runs against a whole genome or transcriptome. Each alignment optimizes a composite score, taking into account simultaneously the two reads of a pair, and in case of...
http://www.ub.edu/dnasp/ - DnaSP, DNA Sequence Polymorphism, is a software package for the analysis of DNA polymorphisms using data from a single locus (a multiple sequence aligned -MSA data), or from several loci (a Multiple-MSA data, such as formats generated by some...
github.com - NextSV, a meta SV caller and a computational pipeline to perform SV calling from low coverage long-read sequencing data. NextSV integrates three aligners and three SV callers and generates two integrated call sets (sensitive/stringent) for different...
genome.sph.umich.edu - vt is a variant tool set that discovers short variants from Next Generation Sequencing data.