www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline is designed to annotate bacterial and archaeal genomes (chromosomes and plasmids).
Genome annotation is a multi-level process that includes prediction of protein-coding genes, as well as other functional...
http://etetoolkit.org - ETE v3, featuring numerous improvements in the underlying library of methods, and providing a novel set of standalone tools to perform common tasks in comparative genomics and phylogenetics.
The new features include
(i) building gene-based and...
bitbucket.org - S-plot2 creates an interactive, two-dimensional heatmap capturing the similarities and dissimilarities in nucleotide usage between genomic sequences (partial or complete). In S-plot2, whole eukaryotic chromosomes and smaller prokaryotic genomes can...
jimb.stanford.edu - The Genome in a Bottle (GIAB) Consortium is a public-private-academic consortium hosted by NIST to develop the technical infrastructure (reference standards, reference methods, and reference data) to enable translation of whole human genome...
diytranscriptomics.com - A semester-long course covering best practices for the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data from gene expression (RNA-seq) studies, with a primary focus on empowering students to be independent in the use of lightweight and open-source...
A major breakthrough (replaced microarrays) in the late 00’s and has been widely used since
Measures the average expression level for each gene across a large population of input cells
Useful for comparative transcriptomics,...
github.com - Delta is an integrative visualization and analysis platform to facilitate visually annotating and exploring the 3D physical architecture of genomes. Delta takes Hi-C or ChIA-PET contact matrix as input and predicts the topologically...
http://mgcv.cmbi.ru.nl/ - MGcV is an interactive web-based visalization tool tailored to facilitate small scale genome analysis. To start using MGcV:
Supply your genes/genomic segments/phylogenetic tree of interest in the input-box by
selecting the type of identifier...
github.com - KAT is a suite of tools that analyse jellyfish hashes or sequence files (fasta or fastq) using kmer counts. The following tools are currently available in KAT:
hist: Create an histogram of k-mer occurrences from a sequence file. Adds metadata in...
github.com - DeepVariant is an analysis pipeline that uses a deep neural network to call genetic variants from next-generation DNA sequencing data.
DeepVariant is an analysis pipeline that uses a deep neural network to call genetic variants from next-generation...