As the cost of DNA sequencing has dropped, the volume of data produced has risen into the petabytes. Google is working with the genomics community to define a standard API for working with big genomic data sets in the cloud. Building on Google Cloud...
To decide which strategy should be our “preferred” genome assembly approach based on data rather than my gut-feeling about the “best assembly” I decided to do some testing with a known “true” reference E Coli K12 MG1655
Applications for Pre-selection of candidates under ‘Institutions Mode’ for DST-ISPIRE Faculty in Computational Biology/ Systems Biology/ Bioinformatics
Applications are invited for pre-selection of candidates for Ministry of Science and... - wgd is a easy to use command-line tool for KS distribution construction named wgd. The wgd suite provides commonly used KS and colinearity analysis workflows together with tools for modeling and visualization, rendering these...
The IPython Notebook is a web-based interactive computational environment where you can combine code execution, text, mathematics, plots and rich media into a single document - Upset plots are a type of visualization used to analyze the intersection of sets or categories. They are particularly useful for displaying data with multiple categories and analyzing their overlaps.
In an upset plot, each row represents a category...
Applications are invited along with complete bio-data and attested copies of certificates of qualifications, experience etc. for the one post of Research...