- Scallop is an accurate reference-based transcript assembler. Scallop features its high accuracy in assembling multi-exon transcripts as well as lowly expressed transcripts. Scallop achieves this improvement through a novel algorithm that can be...
As the cost of DNA sequencing has dropped, the volume of data produced has risen into the petabytes. Google is working with the genomics community to define a standard API for working with big genomic data sets in the cloud. Building on Google Cloud... - gapFinisher is based on the controlled use of a previously published gap filling tool FGAP and works on all standard Linux/UNIX command lines. They compare the performance of gapFinisher against two other published gap filling tools PBJelly and...
Applications for Pre-selection of candidates under ‘Institutions Mode’ for DST-ISPIRE Faculty in Computational Biology/ Systems Biology/ Bioinformatics
Applications are invited for pre-selection of candidates for Ministry of Science and...
the sequenced reads can be mapped to the organism’s genes to assess how differently the genes are expressed under the experimental circumstances as opposed to the control scenario. This is known as differential expression (DE) analysis
The IPython Notebook is a web-based interactive computational environment where you can combine code execution, text, mathematics, plots and rich media into a single document
Transcript abundance quantification from RNA-seq data (uses pseudoalignment for rapid determination of read compatibility with targets)
Software (C++)
Estimation of isoform abundances... - HISAT2 is a fast and sensitive alignment program for mapping next-generation sequencing reads (both DNA and RNA) to a population of human genomes (as well as to a single reference genome). Based on an extension of BWT for...