- The EDTA package was designed to filter out false discoveries in raw TE candidates and generate a high-quality non-redundant TE library for whole-genome TE annotations. Selection of initial search programs were based on benckmarkings on the... - Opera (Optimal Paired-End Read Assembler) is a sequence assembly program ( ). It uses information from paired-end or long reads to optimally order and orient contigs assembled from...
RAST – Web tool (upload contigs), uses the subsystems in the SEED database and provides detailed annotation and pathway analysis. Takes several hours per genome but I think this is the best way to get a high quality annotation... - GIGGLE is a genomics search engine that identifies and ranks the significance of genomic loci shared between query features and thousands of genome interval files. GIGGLE ( scales to billions of intervals and is... - MUMmer4, a substantially improved version of MUMmer that addresses genome size constraints by changing the 32-bit suffix tree data structure at the core of MUMmer to a 48-bit suffix array, and that offers improved speed through parallel processing... - G-compass ( is a comparative genome browser. It visualizes evolutionarily conserved genomic regions between human and other 12 vertebrates based on original genome alignments pursuing higher coverage (1,2)....
I'm running "OPERA-LG_v2.0.5/bin/" and have the following error:
fail to open file './temporarySam'
[bwa_aln_core] write to the...