mira-assembler.sourceforge.net - MIRA is a multi-pass DNA sequence data assembler/mapper for whole genome and EST/RNASeq projects. MIRA assembles/maps reads gained by
electrophoresis sequencing (aka Sanger sequencing)
454 pyro-sequencing (GS20, FLX or Titanium)
sc932.github.io - Assembly Likelihood Evaluation (ALE) framework that overcomes these limitations, systematically evaluating the accuracy of an assembly in a reference-independent manner using rigorous statistical methods. This framework is comprehensive, and...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - Background. Next-generation sequencing technologies are now producing multiple times the genome size in total reads from a single experiment. This is enough information to reconstruct at least some of the differences between the individual genome...
github.com - SGA is a de novo genome assembler based on the concept of string graphs. The major goal of SGA is to be very memory efficient, which is achieved by using a compressed representation of DNA sequence reads.
More at
www.topcoder.com - Learning greedy algo for biologist.
This webpage is also useful for the...
github.com - GAM-NGS (Genomic Assemblies Merger for Next Generation Sequencing), whose primary goal is to merge two or more assemblies in order to enhance contiguity and correctness of both. GAM-NGS does not rely on global alignment: regions of the two...
The genome assemblers generally take a file of short sequence reads and a file of quality-value as the input. Since the quality-value file for the high throughput short reads is usually highly memory-intensive, only a few assemblers, best suited for...
brig.sourceforge.net - BRIG is a free cross-platform (Windows/Mac/Unix) application that can display circular comparisons between a large number of genomes, with a focus on handling genome assembly data. The application is available...
sourceforge.net - PBJelly - the genome upgrading tool. PBHoney - the structural variation discovery tool Both are contained within the PBSuite code found in downloads.----- PBJelly -----Read The...
www.vicbioinformatics.com - Prokka is a software tool for the rapid annotation of prokaryotic genomes. A typical 4 Mbp genome can be fully annotated in less than 10 minutes on a quad-core computer, and scales well to 32 core SMP systems. It produces GFF3, GBK and SQN files...