www.genomicus.bio.ens.psl.eu - Genomicus is a genome browser that enables users to navigate in genomes in several dimensions: linearly along chromosome axes, transversaly across different species, and chronologicaly along evolutionary time.
Once a query gene has been entered, it...
shendurelab.github.io - LACHESIS is method that exploits contact probability map data (e.g. from Hi-C) for chromosome-scale de novo genome assembly.
Further information about LACHESIS, including source code, documentation and a user's guide are available...
www.zhanyuwang.xin - BAUM, breaks the whole genome into regions by adaptive unique mapping; then the local OLC is used to assemble each region in parallel. BAUM can: (1) perform reference-assisted assembly based on the genome of a close species; (2) or improve the...
DOWNLOAD LINK: https://github.com/BioInf-Wuerzburg/proovread/raw/master/util/blasr-1.3.1/blasr
I'm running "OPERA-LG_v2.0.5/bin/preprocess_reads.pl" and have the following error:
fail to open file './temporarySam'
[bwa_aln_core] write to the...
wiki.bits.vib.be - compare two BWA mapping methods with the online hg18-mapped data
We first operate a rapid inspection of the different BAM files using samtools flagstat. Illumina provided chr21 read mapping obtained with their GA IIx deep...
sourceforge.net - Contiguity preserving transposition and sequencing (CPT-seq) is an entirely in vitro means of generating libraries comprised of 9216 indexed pools, each of which contains thousands of sparsely sequenced long fragments ranging from 5 kilobases to...
github.com - Alonge M, Soyk S, Ramakrishnan S, Wang X, Goodwin S, Sedlazeck FJ, Lippman ZB, Schatz MC: Fast and accurate reference-guided scaffolding of draft genomes. bioRxiv 2019.
RaGOO is a tool for coalescing genome assembly contigs into...
github.com - GRSR is a Tool for Deriving Genome Rearrangement Scenarios for Multiple Uni-chromosomal Genomes. This tool will do the following steps:
Step 1. Run mugsy to get multiple sequence alignment results.
Step 2 & 3. Extraction of the Coordinates...
github.com - Generate unique k-mers for every contig in a FASTA file.
Unique k-mer is consisted of k-mer keys (i.e. ATCGATCCTTAAGG) that are only presented in one contig, but not presented in any other contigs (for both forward and reverse strands).
nematodes.org - Blobsplorer is a tool for interactive visualization of assembled DNA sequence data ("contigs") derived from (often unintentionally) mixed-species pools. It allows the simultaneous display of GC content, coverage, and taxonomic annotation for...