- Your all-in-one solution for smooth conversion of sequence coordinates.
Designed for bioinformatics data analysis and daily laboratory work, SeqCAT simplifies sequence coordinate conversion. Extract gene and transcript information, manipulate... - Local sequence alignment is a cornerstone of bioinformatics, allowing to compare the amino-acid sequences of different proteins, or the nucleotide sequences of different pieces of DNA. The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) has revolutionized... - needleall reads a set of input sequences and compares them all to one or more sequences, writing their optimal global sequence alignments to file. It uses the Needleman-Wunsch alignment algorithm to find the optimum alignment (including gaps) of two... - Segmental Duplication Assembler (SDA; constructs graphs in which paralogous sequence variants define the nodes and long-read sequences provide attraction and repulsion edges, enabling the partition and assembly of... - Miropeats discovers regions of sequence similarity amongst any set of DNA sequences and then presents this similarity information graphically. Sequence similarity searching is a very general tool that forms the basis of many different biological... - RePS (Repeat-masked Phrap with scaffolding), a WGS sequence assembler, that explicitly identifies exact kmer repeats from the shotgun data and removes them prior to the assembly. The established software Phrap is used to compute meaningful error... - CLARK, a method based on a supervised sequence classification using discriminative k-mers. Considering two distinct specific classification problems (see the article for details), namely (1) the taxonomic classification of metagenomic reads to... - FlexiDot is a cross-platform dotplot suite generating high quality self, pairwise and all-against-all visualizations. To improve dotplot suitability for comparison of consensus and error-prone sequences, FlexiDot harbors routines for strict and... - LoReTTA (Long Read Template-Targeted Assembler), a tool designed for performing de novo assembly of long reads generated from viral genomes on the PacBio platform. LoReTTA exploits a reference genome to guide the assembly process, an approach that...