- HybPiper was designed for targeted sequence capture, in which DNA sequencing libraries are enriched for gene regions of interest, especially for phylogenetics. HybPiper is a suite of Python scripts that wrap and connect bioinformatics tools in order... - Background. Next-generation sequencing technologies are now producing multiple times the genome size in total reads from a single experiment. This is enough information to reconstruct at least some of the differences between the individual genome... - EXCAVATOR2 is a collection of bash, R and Fortran scripts and codes that analyses Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) data to identify CNVs. EXCAVATOR2 enhances the identification of all genomic CNVs, both overlapping and non-overlapping targeted exons by... - SGA is a de novo genome assembler based on the concept of string graphs. The major goal of SGA is to be very memory efficient, which is achieved by using a compressed representation of DNA sequence reads.
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Structural variants (SVs) such as deletions, insertions, duplications, inversions and translocations litter genomes and are often associated with gene expression changes and severe phenotypes (ie. genetic diseases in humans). - caffMatch is a novel scaffolding tool based on Maximum-Weight Matching able to produce high-quality scaffolds from NGS data (reads and contigs). The tool is written in Python 2.7. It also includes a bash script wrapper that calls aligner in case one... - quickmerge uses a simple concept to improve contiguity of genome assemblies based on long molecule sequences, often with dramatic outcomes. The program uses information from assemblies made with illumina short reads and PacBio long reads to improve... - MCscan is a computer program that can simultaneously scan multiple genomes to identify homologous chromosomal regions and subsequently align these regions using genes as anchors. This is the toolset for generating the synteny correspondences... - Circos plot tool (J-Circos) that is an interactive visualization tool that can plot Circos figures, as well as being able to dynamically add data to the figure, and providing information for specific data points using mouse hover display and zoom... - FASTQ format is a text-based format for storing both a biological sequence (usually nucleotide sequence) and its corresponding quality scores. Both the sequence letter and quality score are each encoded with a...