- VCFtools contains a Perl API ( and a number of Perl scripts that can be used to perform common tasks with VCF files such as file validation, file merging, intersecting, complements, etc. The Perl tools support all versions of the VCF... - if you have less time, then use three ways mentioned in bookmark link to extract/download all fasta sequences in single click given that you already have a list of GIs or accession IDs .
Alternatively, use one liner perl script:
perl -ne... - Porechop is a tool for finding and removing adapters from Oxford Nanopore reads. Adapters on the ends of reads are trimmed off, and when a read has an adapter in its middle, it is treated as chimeric and chopped into separate reads....
There are several ways you can convert fastq to fasta sequences. Some methods are listed below.
Using SED
sed can be used to selectively print the desired lines from a file, so if you print the first and 2rd line of every 4 lines, you get the... - Citrus Perl is a binary distribution of Perl created for GUI application developers. The distribution includes wxPerl, the Perl wrapper for wxWidgets. Where supported by the operating system wxWidgets is available as a package for the 2.8.x stable... - This bookmark is created to store the useful Perl and BioPerl tutorial links at one place. Feel free to share and add more useful tutorial links here .... - Perl module for creating geographic 10km-square maps using either SVG or PNG (with GD library) output format.
Originally design to map the location of objects in a 10 km map IrishGrid includes:
native support of the Irish Grid System (see...
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