Information about the department
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg has about 170 faculty and staff and is the largest department of mathematical sciences in the Nordic... - DIAMOND is a sequence aligner for protein and translated DNA searches and functions as a drop-in replacement for the NCBI BLAST software tools. It is suitable for protein-protein search as well as DNA-protein search on short reads and longer...
Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility
University of Madras
Chennai 600 025
Applications are invited for the STUDENTSHIP and TRAINEESHIP vacancies to carry out project/research work in the DBT - Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility with... - A tetra-nucleotide is a fragment of DNA sequence with 4 bases (e.g. AGTC or TTGG). Pride et al. (2003) showed that the frequency of tetra-nucleotides in bacterial genomes contain useful, albeit weak, phylogenetic signals. Even though...
Data mining, the extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases. Data mining is becoming an increasingly important tool to transform this data into information. It is commonly used in a wide range of profiling practices, such as...
23andMe’s mission is to help people access, understand, and benefit
from the human genome. We are a group of passionate individuals excited
to push the boundaries of what’s possible to help turn genetic insight
into better health and personal... - PAGIT addresses the need for software to generate high quality draft genomes. It is based on a series of programs that we developed:
ABACAS, that is able to contiguate contigs from a de novo assembly against a closely related reference.
IMAGE, an...
Hmm .. Don't worry you read it right .. this is not pi but bi ... "life of Bioinformatician(BI)".
Disclaimer: This cartoon is solely designed to create humour and fun, not to offend any PI, supervisor or student.
A new “Download assemblies” button is now available in the Assembly database. This makes it easy to download data for multiple genomes without having to write scripts.