The IBL laboratory focuses on the multi-disciplinary analyses of the global responses of model microorganisms, cyanobacteria (mainly Synechocystis PCC6803) and yeasts (mainly Saccharomyces cerevisae) to environmental stresses triggered by oxidative... - DBG2OLC:Efficient Assembly of Large Genomes Using Long Erroneous Reads of the Third Generation Sequencing Technologies
Our work is published in Scientific Reports:
Ye, C. et al. DBG2OLC: Efficient Assembly of Large Genomes Using Long Erroneous...
This Bioinformatics Resource (, the Canadian half of the now defunct VBRC) focuses on large DNA viruses:
African Swine Fever Viruses
Research Area
Custom searches of the viral... - Enrichment analysis is a popular method for analyzing gene sets generated by genome-wide experiments. Here we present a significant update to one of the tools in this domain called Enrichr. Enrichr currently contains a large collection of diverse...
They are based in the Department of Genetics at the University of Cambridge.
The research covers diverse areas of evolutionary biology, and molecular evolution in particular. It combines theoretical and empirical approaches, and particularly... - SSPACE standard is a stand-alone program for scaffolding pre-assembled contigs using NGS paired-read data. It is unique in offering the possibility to manually control the scaffolding process. By using the distance information of paired-end and/or...
Hi Bioinformatician and Computational Biologist, this is the comprehensive list of all (?) the bioinformatics and computational biology journals. Please update me if you know any other good journals related with our domains. Feel free to add...
Advertisement for post of Project Assistant in SERB-DST sponsored project @ Bioinformatics, Karunya University
Applications are invited for the post of Project Assistant to work in the following
• Title of the project: "A novel... - CABOG (Celera Assembler with Best Overlap Graph) is scientific software for DNA research. CABOG has been a critical component of many genome sequencing projects. CABOG operates on small genomes such as bacterial as well as large genomes such as...