Results for "scaling"


  • New Machine Learning Packages in R

    ...get started. quanteda.textmodels v0.9.1: Implements methods for scaling models and classifiers based...model, the Perry & Benoit’s (2017) class affinity scaling model, and the Slapin &a...

    1532 days ago



Top-level pages


  • Genome Workbench 2.10.7 New Features BLAST Tool: added support for local custom BLAST databases Graphical Sequence View: added log scaling option for graph tracks Gene...

    2897 days ago


  • Comment on "A quick guide to Phred scaling"

    Phred scaling is a widely used system for representing the q...equencing read. Here is a quick guide to Phred scaling: Phred quality scores: P...haracter "!" (33 + 20). In summary, Phred scaling is a logarithmic system for r...

    448 days ago