Results for "Institut of Population Genetics"


  • Classification of SARS-CoV2 Variant !

    The scientists established some guidelines for determining whether a variant is a legitimate branch of an existing transmitted from its original location to another "geographically distinct populati...

    917 days ago

  • List of comparative genomics resources !

    3D-GENOMICS -- A Database to Compare Structural and Functi...bial genomes. MEGA -- Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis A biologist-centric...ologous genomic markers for placental mammal phylogenetics. PEDANT -- Protein Extra...

    704 days ago

  • Online resources on must-read papers in evolutionary biology, for a literature club

    ...nic heterozygosity in natural populations. II. Amount of variation an...of heterozygosity in natural populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. Genetics. 54:595-609. 1b. Sachidandam...ght on Evolution in Mendelian Populations and the "Shifting Balance". Genetics. Evolution of Sex 1. Mul...

    704 days ago

  • Finding a mimicry game for teaching on-line and mentioned general resources

    Mimicry and other resources Mimicry games: Great Heliconius game: http://helicon...rategies/ NetLogo: Population Genetics:

    704 days ago

  • Useful link to teach evolution !

    Mimicry and other resources Mimicry games: Great Heliconius game: http://helicon...rategies/ NetLogo: Population Genetics:

    604 days ago

  • Must read paper and books in evolution biology !

    ...nic heterozygosity in natural populations. II. Amount of variation an...of heterozygosity in natural populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. Genetics. 54:595-609. 1b. Sachidandam...ght on Evolution in Mendelian Populations and the "Shifting Balance". Genetics. Evolution of Sex 1. Mul...

    604 days ago

  • Common methods to discover tandem repeats

    Tandem repeats are DNA sequences that are repeated in a contiguous m...equences are often used as genetic markers and are important in many areas of genetics and genomics research. Here a...

    450 days ago

  • Entire Human Genome Sequencing !

    Cost-effective whole human genome sequencing...etic analysis accessible to a wider population. Through advancements in sequ...inues to decline, the potential for population-scale genomic studies and lar...enhance our understanding of human genetics and improve healthcare outcom...

    60 days ago

  • Hypothesis testing !

    What is a hypothesis test?In statistics, as in everyday life, we tend to make hypotheses to predict what we don’...quo;s going to rain today,” or “the average height of the Italian populati...

    17 days ago