Results for "dRAD and ddRAD sequencing"


  • List of cancer genomics research web resources !

    Major web resources for cancer genomics research CGHub https:/...tic mutation database; genome sequencing paper curation CPRG Sequence and genotype verification of SNPs...methylation, gene expression and c.../ ncRNAs; lncRNAs; up-to-date and comprehensive resource

    2370 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools developed for Oxford Nanopore data analysis !

    MinION is the only portable real-time device for DNA and RNA sequencing. Each consumable flow cell...sus (OLC), de Bruijn graph (DBG), and string graph. List of analys.../lh3/bwa GraphMapMapper for long and e...noOK NanopolishNanopore analysis and genome assembly softwarehttps://gith...

    2370 days ago

  • BBTools for bioinformatician !

    ..." will end up in "matched.fq" and all other reads will end up i...with names in your name list, and keeps the rest. To include th...ode, once the line hits zero, sequencing more is not useful.In cumulat...a out=mutant.fasta id=99 $ ref=mutant.fasta out=reads...

    2321 days ago

  • 10 NGS services companies around the globe !

    ...of the leading players in DNA sequencing and array-based technologies, provides DNA and RNA sequencing and bioservices solutions to...Inc. provides next generation sequencing services such as whole genome...ries, namely, BGI China (Mainland), BGI Asia Pacific, BGI Americas (No...

    1309 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools for telomere to telomere assembly !

    ● Merfin – k-mer-based assembly and variant calling evaluation fo...ormation from raw, short-read sequencing data to genotype a assess the quality of data and the preprocessing pipeline (R...ols for filtering, comparing, and annotating structural variant (SV) c...

    1042 days ago

  • Protocol for De novo Genome Assembly using Illumina Reads

    ...p into millions of tiny parts and read on a sequencing computer in a genome sequencing experiment. basic research into why and h...have an idea of what you have and what the standard is like. If requir...r -

    1254 days ago

  • Frequently used bioinformatics tools for viral genome analysis !

    IVA: accurate de novo assembly of RNA virus genomes. Hunt M, Ga...ptimal enzymes for amplifying sequencing libraries. Quail, M. a...aluation of genome assemblies and assembly algorithms. Salzberg...46 (2014). MUMmer: Versatile and o...Sequence Alignment/Map format and SAMtools. Li, H. et al. Bioinformati...

    1097 days ago

  • Useful Bioinformatics Analysis Tools !

    CoMeta Classificier of reads from metagenomic sequencing experiments. •&n...icz, S., KMC 3: counting and manipulating k -mer statistics, ...M Experimental compressor of sequencing reads. •  Gra...obust mapping of whole genome sequencing data, Poster at The Biol...

    913 days ago

  • Interesting Bioinformatics Resources !

    1. a reproducible workflow. research  2. Parallel sequencing lives, or what makes large seque...flow with R Markdown, Git, Make, and Docker Dr.Keith A. Baggerly from MD Anderson [The Importance of Reproducible...

    591 days ago

  • Chromosome breakpoint - a breakup to remember

    Chromosome breakpoint refers to the situ hybridization (FISH), and molecular methods such as pol...ion (PCR) and next-generation sequencing (NGS). These technique...ct location of the breakpoint and t...ts, depending on the location and size of the duplicated segment. Chr...

    475 days ago