Results for "Data Structure"


  • Illumina based assembly pipeline steps !

    Illumina Merge re-sequenced FastQ files (cat) Read QC (FastQC) Adap...imer sequence removal (iVar; amplicon data only) Duplicate read marking...s and consensus; default for amplicon data || BCFTools, BEDTools; defaul...Primer trimming (Cutadapt; amplicon data only...

    919 days ago

  • Useful Bioinformatics Analysis Tools !

    CoMeta Classificier of reads from metagenomic sequencing experiments....ce-saving solution for raw sequencing data, Bioinformatics, 20...k-mer-based compression of sequencing data, Scientific Reports,&nbs...i, L., Disk-based compression of data from...

    906 days ago

  • Installing ELGG on Ubuntu !

    Elgg is an open-source and highly customizable framework used for building an online s...ver, is written in PHP, and uses MySQL/MariaDB as a database backend, so you will need...systemctl restart apache2 Step 3 – Create a Database...

    753 days ago

  • List of comparative genomics resources !

    3D-GENOMICS -- A Database to Compare Structural and Functional...coDing Orthologous Regions A database resource of developmental...arative Genometrics (CG) -- a database dedicated to biometric co...MBGD -- Microbial genome database for comparative analysis...hensive suite of programs and databases...

    719 days ago

  • Understanding DUMP files from NCBI Taxonomy database !

    *.dmp files are bcp-like dump from GenBank taxonomy database General information. Fi...- node id in GenBank taxonomy database   parent tax_id --...t node id in GenBank taxonomy database   rank -- rank of t...this subtree has no sequence data yet   comments -- free-...

    702 days ago

  • Interesting Bioinformatics Resources !

    1. a reproducible workflow. This...alse 3. Common-sense approaches to sharing tabular data alongside publication ht...ce/article/pii/S2666389921002300 4. A Reproducible Data Anal...

    583 days ago


    DeepMind’s artificial intelligence system AlphaFold2, predicts the 3D structure of a protein based on its amino...

    580 days ago

  • Common steps for reads mapping !

    Mapping reads to a reference genome is an essential...that is appropriate for your type of data and research question. I...indexing tools. Prepare the read data: The reads should be in a for...pically involves specifying the input data, ref...

    465 days ago

  • Calculate the significance of the difference between two trends

    To calculate the significance of the difference between two trends, you can use a...le H1 might be that there is a significant difference. Collect data on the two trends. Make sure that the data is i...

    460 days ago

  • Free Books on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligent !

    An Introduction to Statistical LearningThis book provides a broad and...wishes to use contemporary tools for data analysis. Python Data Science HandbookYou’ll...aning, manipulating, and transforming data &mda...

    459 days ago