Results for "data science"


  • Perl one-liner for beginners !

    I often use the following arguments to perl: -e Makes the line of code be executed instead of a script -n For...xt > textwithoutuppercase.txt; Print only the second column of the data wh...

    1409 days ago

  • 10 NGS services companies around the globe !

    ...vironmental, industrial, life sciences research and laboratory s...workflows, compute resources, data analysis reports, and case studi...ices such as oligo synthesis, database construction, genome researc...cing and NGS services to life sciences and healthcare businesses gl...

    1287 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools for telomere to telomere assembly !

    ...on from raw, short-read sequencing data to genotype a wide spectrum o...pts that can assess the quality of data and the preprocessing pipelin...other low-complexity gene amplicon data; performs allele calling whil.../young-investigators-share-stellar-science-career-advice-and-bioinformat...

    1020 days ago

  • Protocol for De novo Genome Assembly using Illumina Reads

    In this protocol, we address and describe the de novo assembly method for small to med...ead to treatments for infectious diseases. Raw NGS dataReads can be saved as a Fasta...ave and what the standard is like. If required, raw data cl...

    1232 days ago

  • Common Bioinformatics Interview Questions !

    The possibility of an interview for a bioinformatics position in the life sciences may be very disquieting, but...these in the answer as well: where did your love of science and bioinformatics come from?...

    1226 days ago

  • Frequently used bioinformatics tools for viral genome analysis !

    IVA: accurate de novo assembly of RNA virus genomes. Hunt M, Gall A, Ong SH, Brener J, Ferns B, Goulder P, Nastou...-9 (2009). Trimmomatic: Trimmomatic: A flexible trimmer for Illumina Sequence Data. B...

    1075 days ago

  • Basic Structure of Snakemake Pipeline Run !

    /user/snakemake-demo$ ls config.json data envs scripts slurm-240702.out Snakefile data = mock data for the snakefile to use Snakefile = name of the snakemake “formula” file Not...

    962 days ago

  • Illumina based assembly pipeline steps !

    Illumina Merge re-sequenced FastQ files (cat) Read QC (FastQC) Adap...imer sequence removal (iVar; amplicon data only) Duplicate read marking...s and consensus; default for amplicon data || BCFTools, BEDTools; defaul...Primer trimming (Cutadapt; amplicon data on...

    905 days ago

  • Useful Bioinformatics Analysis Tools !

    CoMeta Classificier of reads from metagenomic sequencing experiments....ce-saving solution for raw sequencing data, Bioinformatics, 20...k-mer-based compression of sequencing data, Scientific Reports,&nbs...i, L., Disk-based compression of data fr...

    891 days ago

  • Installing ELGG on Ubuntu !

    Elgg is an open-source and highly customizable framework used for building an online s...ver, is written in PHP, and uses MySQL/MariaDB as a database backend, so you will need...systemctl restart apache2 Step 3 – Create a Databas...

    739 days ago