Results for "r"


  • Install ImageMagick from Unix Source

    ImageMagick builds on a variety of Unix and Unix-like operating systems including Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and presence... nochecking for process.h... nochecking sun_p...g.h presence... yeschecking for jmorecfg.h... yeschecking jpe...

    2197 days ago

  • chromoMap-An R package for Interactive visualization and mapping of human chromosomes

    chromoMap is an R package that provides interactive, configurable and elegant graphics visualization of the human chromosomes allowing users to a special plot viz. the "chromosome heatmap" that, in view the magnified single or double stranded view of the c...

    2192 days ago

  • Installing Trinity !

    ...load this ➜ cd trinityrnaseq-Trinity-v2.6.6...ruijnGraph.Tpo -c -o DeBruijnGraph.o DeBruijnGraph.cpp mv -f...[-Wsign-compare] for (int j = 0; j < right_exte...

    2185 days ago

  • Installing Salmon for Trinity !

    ➜ trinityrnaseq-Trinity-v2.6.6 git:(master) ✗ conda install salmon Solving environment: done ## Package Pla...y36_4 331 KB conda-forge jemalloc-5.1.0...y36_0 624 KB conda-forge tbb-2018_20171205...e --> 4.5.5-py36_0 conda-forge Proceed ([y]/n)? y...

    2185 days ago

  • Converting a VCF into a FASTA given some reference !

    Samtools/BCFtools (Heng Li) provides a Perl script which does this,...ction vcf2fq (lines 469-528) This script has been modified by other...> <output.fastq>

    2167 days ago

  • Julia Programming Language, a Python and R rival

    Big data has grown to become one of the most lucrative fields. In fact, data scientists are some of the most sought peop...t are used on most data software. Also, the language is ideal...has a small community as compared to others which have been a...

    2132 days ago

  • Setting python version as default on Linux

    If you have a later version than 2.6 you'll need to s....6 as the default Python. Later versions would be 2.7 and 3.1...typing python -V at the terminal. For purposes of this ex...le-python2.6 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/pyt...have done everything above correctly, python2.6 should alrea...

    2121 days ago

  • List of motif discovery tools !

    ...quence motif is a nucleotide or amino-acid sequence pattern that is widespread and has,...DBAli -- A Database of Structure Alignments Mine the pr...sequences Discover long patterns in protein sequences....o.ELM -- a database of phosphorylation sites Search for euka...

    2045 days ago

  • How to set up SSH on Ubuntu 18.04

    SSH, also known as Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell, is a network protocol that gives users, p...ities that implement the SSH protocol. Here are the commands...ent HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_keyUncomment AuthorizedKeys... User username ForwardX11 yes ForwardAgent yes I...

    2042 days ago

  • Understating pacbio reads name !

    ...──────────┘└5┘└6┘└7┘└────8────┘└─9─┘└10┘ "m" = movie Time of Run Start (yymmdd_hhmmss) Instrument...Number (usually "p0", "X0" when using expired reagents) ZMW hole number Subread Region (start_stop&n...

    2042 days ago