Results for "de novo assembly"


  • Five points for bioinformatics software/tools

    In the bioinformatics sector we mostly spend time on computational analysis of huge...f analysis that you are doing. This is particularly true in the case of genome assembly and annotation. At the end,...

    3741 days ago

  • Dynamic chromosome breakpoints !!!

    Cell division involves the distribution of identical genetic material, DNA, to two...ion process. This is followed by nuclear envelope dissolution, mitotic spindle assembly, migration of the sister chro...

    3586 days ago

  • Software and Tools to detect structure variation with long reads !!

    ...tween genetics and heritable diseases requires an approach that looks at all the variant bases and types in a genome. While a PacBio de novo assembly resolves the most novel SV va...

    2641 days ago

  • String graph based genome assembly software and tools !

    ...o the user at the start of an assembly project, this software will h...cian-ilie/SAGE2 SAGE, for de novo genome assembly. As opposed to Fermi is a de novo assembler with a particular focus...apers - i) The Fragment Assembly String Graph - E. W. Myers T...

    2362 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools developed for Oxford Nanopore data analysis !

    MinION is the only portable real-time device for DNA length, which offers great prospects for genome assembly. Generally, assemblers are ba...OOK/NanoOK NanopolishNanopore analysis and genome assembly software

    2354 days ago

  • BBTools for bioinformatician ! Mapping Nanopore reads has a le...a per-reference-sequence level, so if a bacterial assembly has more than one contig, you...from your existing data like this. Code: $ cat assembly1.fa assembly2.fa > combine...

    2304 days ago

  • Understanding liftOver !

    LiftOver is a necesary step to bring all genetical...: (1) Convert genome position from one genome assembly to another genome assembly In most scenarios, we have k...s not anymore mapped on GRch38 because the new assembly is now better built without i...

    2193 days ago

  • Installing Trinity !

    Download this :do not run Trinity phase 2 (assembly of partitioned reads), and st...# --workdir :where Trinity phase-2 assembly computation takes place (defa...

    2167 days ago

  • List of motif discovery tools !

    In genetics, a sequence motif is a nucleotide or amino-acid sequence pattern that is...Protein Sequences Use to predict function from de novo protein sequences. Activ...P-based protein Motif discovery web server Find de novo pro...

    2027 days ago

  • CANU genome assembly parameters !

    Choose the appropriate parameters to run Canu and run it. The assembly will take about an hour. You can use tw... run produces usually high quality assembly, example of a command that wa...tions about read inclusion in the final assembly *.gfa : file containing...

    1978 days ago