Results for "Website Design and Development"


  • COVID Moonshot: An international effort to DISCOVER A COVID ANTIVIRAL

    The COVID Moonshot is an ambitious crowd...ced initiative to accelerate the development of a COVID antiviral. We...cientist can view submitted drug designs and experimental data to inspire new design ideas. We use our cutting-edge machine learning tools and Folding@home's crowdsourced supercomp...

    1269 days ago

  • Breedbase is a comprehensive breeding management and analysis software

    Breedbase is a comprehensive breeding management and analysis software. It can be used to design field layouts, collect phenotypic info...ts of high density genotypic information, and provide Genomic Selection rel...edictions. Breedbase supports the BrAPI standard.

    1251 days ago

  • Pango Lineage Analysis !

    The Pango nomenclature is being used by researchers and public health agencies worldwide to track the transmission and spread of SARS-CoV-2, including variants of concern. This website documents all current Pango lineages and their s...

    939 days ago

  • Choosing the Right NGS Sequencing Instrument for Your Study

    The right sequencing instrument for your study depends on your Setting aside turnaround time and price, it essentially comes down to the numbers of reads and read length you need for to high-throughput sequencing and have questions about how you should design your...

    727 days ago

  • Dashboard designing tutorial !

    Dashboard Design Tutorial

    467 days ago

  • Seeing Theory and Learn

    Seeing Theory was created by Daniel Kunin while an undergraduate at Brown University. The goal of this website is to make statistics more accessible through interactive visualizations (designed using Mike Bostock’s JavaScript library D3.js).

    7 days ago