Results for "Calculator"




  • SCFBio have developed Sanjeevini (A-DNA or B-DNA) 16 NRDBSM Non-redundant database of small molecules 17 TPACM4 Partial charge calculator for small molecules 18 Wiener index Wiener index calculator for small molecules Th...

    2413 days ago


  • TMRCA Calculator

    This program calculates the probability that two people have a certain number of generations between them, based on the standard infinite alleles formula of Walsh. It calculates both the probability of being at an exact number of generations back to the Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA...

    Tags: TMRCA, Calculator, evolution, tree

    1239 days ago

  • CoverM: Read coverage calculator for metagenomics

    CoverM aims to be a configurable, easy to use and fast DNA read coverage and relative abundance calculator focused on metagenomics applications. CoverM calculates coverage of genomes/MAGs coverm genome (help) or individual contigs coverm contig (help). Calculating coverage by...

    Tags: Read, coverage, calculator, metagenomics, CoverM

    1154 days ago