Results for "Command"


  • Taverna Workflow Management System

    ...rna Workbench(the desktop client application) and the Taverna Server (which allows remote execution of workflows). Taverna is also available as a Command Line Tool for a quick executi...

    3943 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Protocols

    ...on tools:* CuffDiff* EdgeR* DESeq2 Advanced Command Line Tutorial Graphical Output with CummeRbund introduces some basic commands using the cummeRbund package...those who are comfortable with using the UNIX command line; and often allow more co...

    3680 days ago

  • Ten recommendations for creating usable bioinformatics command line software

    ...rmatics software varies greatly in quality. In terms of usability, the command line interface is the first e...last time a tool will be used. Here I present ten recommendations for command line software author’s...

    3646 days ago

  • UCSC Genome Browser and Blat software !

    ...ains Genome Browser and Blat application binaries built for standalone command-line use on various supported...To determine which set of binaries to download, type "uname -a" on the command line to display your machine...

    3027 days ago

  • Picard

    Picard is a set of command line tools for manipulating high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data and formats such as SAM/BAM/CRAM and VCF. These file formats are defined in the Hts-s...

    2955 days ago

  • Linux command line exercises for NGS data processing

    ...and is used more often to manipulate NGS data as compared to the other command line tools such as grep, sed, perl etc. Furthermore, having a command on awk will make it easier to...

    2901 days ago

  • CSBB-v1.0

    CSBB is a command line based bioinformatics suite to analyze biological data acquired through varied avenues of biological experiments. CSBB is implemented in Perl, while it...

    2894 days ago

  • VAGUE:Velvet Assembler Graphical Front End

    VAGUE is a vague acronym for "Velvet Assembler Graphical Front End", which means it is a GUI for the Velvet de novo assembler. The command line version of Velvet can be complicated fo...

    2654 days ago

  • VirMet

    ...s. A set of tools for viral metagenomics. virmet is called with a command subcommand syntax: virmet fetch --v...a specific organism A short help is obtained with virmet subcommand -h. More at https://git...

    2791 days ago

  • Entrez Direct: E-utilities on the UNIX Command Line

    ...n, etc.) from a UNIX terminal window. Functions take search terms from command-line arguments. Individual op...o answer ad hoc questions. Queries can move seamlessly between EDirect commands and UNIX utilities or script...

    2782 days ago