Results for "Reads"


  • shovill: Assemble bacterial isolate genomes from Illumina paired-end reads

    Shovill is a pipeline which uses SPAdes at its core, but alters the steps before and after the primary assembly step to get similar results in less time. Shovill also supports other assemblers like SKESA, Velvet and Megahit, so you can take advantage of the pre- and post-processing the Shovill pr...

    Tags: shovill, Assemble, bacterial, isolate, genomes, Illumina, paired-end, reads

    1253 days ago

  • GraphMap - A highly sensitive and accurate mapper for long, error-prone reads

    GraphMap - A highly sensitive and accurate mapper for long, error-prone reads    Mapping position agnostic to alignment parameters.    Consistently very high sensitivity and precision ...

    Tags: GraphMap, sensitive, accurate, mapper, long, error-prone, reads

    2558 days ago

  • miniasm: very fast OLC-based de novo assembler for noisy long reads

    Miniasm is a very fast OLC-based de novo assembler for noisy long reads. It takes all-vs-all read self-mappings (typically by minimap) as input and outputs an assembly graph in the GFA format. Different from mainstream assemblers, miniasm does not have a consensus step. I...

    Tags: Ultrafast, de novo, assembly, long, noisy, reads, consensus

    2385 days ago

  • INC-Seq: accurate single molecule reads using nanopore sequencing

    INC-Seq reads enabled accurate species-level classification, identification of species at 0.1 % abundance and robust quantification of relative abundances, providing a cheap and effective approach for pathogen detection and microbiome profiling on the MinION system.

    Tags: INC-Seq, accurate, single, molecule, reads, nopore, sequencing

    2385 days ago

  • COPE: an accurate k-mer-based pair-end reads connection tool to facilitate genome assembly

    An efficient tool called Connecting Overlapped Pair-End (COPE) reads, to connect overlapping pair-end reads using k-mer frequencies. We evaluated our tool on 30× simulated pair-end reads from Arabidopsis thaliana with 1% base error. COPE connected over 99% of reads with 98.8% accuracy, whic...

    Tags: COPE, accurate, k-mer, pair-end, reads, connection, tool, genome, assembly

    2376 days ago

  • MashMap: a fast and approximate software for mapping long reads (PacBio/ONT) or assembly to reference genome(s)

    MashMap is a fast and approximate software for mapping long reads (PacBio/ONT) or assembly to reference genome(s). It maps a query sequence against a reference region if and only if its estimated alignment identity is above a specified threshold. It does not compute the alignments explicitly, but...

    Tags: MashMap, fast, approximate, software, mapping, long, reads, PacBio, ONT, assembly, reference, genome(s)

    2370 days ago

  • ARCS: scaffolding genome drafts with linked reads

    ARCS, an application that utilizes the barcoding information contained in linked reads to further organize draft genomes into highly contiguous assemblies. We show how the contiguity of an ABySS H.sapiensgenome assembly can be increased over six-fold, using moderate coverage (25-fold) Chromi...

    Tags: ARCS, scaffolding, genome, drafts, linked, reads

    2286 days ago

  • Reference-free prediction of rearrangement breakpoint reads

    lideSort-BPR ( b reak p oint r eads) is based on a fast algorithm for all-against-all comparisons of short reads and theoretical analyses of the number of neighboring reads. When applied to a dataset with a sequencing depth of 100×, it finds ∼88% of the bre...

    Tags: Reference-free, prediction, rearrangement, breakpoint, reads

    2284 days ago

  • ALPACA: A hybrid strategy for assembly of genomic DNA shotgun sequencing reads.

    ALPACA requires Celera Assembler 8.3 or later. It is recommended to build Celera Assembler from source. (Why? The pre-built binaries CA_8.3rc1 and CA8.3rc2 will work for any large data set.  Detail paper at

    Tags: ALPACA, hybrid, strategy, assembly, genomic, DNA, shotgun, sequencing, reads

    2231 days ago

  • Flye: Fast and accurate de novo assembler for single molecule sequencing reads

    Flye is a de novo assembler for long and noisy reads, such as those produced by PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technologies. The algorithm uses an A-Bruijn graph to find the overlaps between reads and does not require them to be error-corrected. After the initial assembly, Flye performs an extra repe...

    Tags: Flye, de novo, assembler, ONT, Nanopore, PacBio, Assembly, single, molecule, sequencing, reads

    2227 days ago