Results for "longread"



Top-level pages

  • Some useful Bioinformatics links

    ...2Fportal%2Favaga2 lh3/minimap2: A versatile pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences SSPACE-LongRead: scaffolding bacterial draft...

    2295 days ago


  • Long read assembly workshop !

    This is a tutorial for a workshop on long-read (PacBio) genome assembly. It demonstrates how to use long PacBio sequencing reads to assemble a bacterial genome, and includes additional steps for circularising, trimming, finding plasmids, and correcting the assembly with short-read Illumina data....

    Tags: longread, ngs, assembly, genome, reads, tutorial

    2093 days ago

  • gapFinisher: A reliable gap filling pipeline for SSPACE-LongRead scaffolder output

    gapFinisher is based on the controlled use of a previously published gap filling tool FGAP and works on all standard Linux/UNIX command lines. They compare the performance of gapFinisher against two other published gap filling tools PBJelly and GMcloser. gapFinisher can fill gaps in draft genom...

    Tags: gapFinisher, reliable, gap, filling, pipeline, SSPACE, LongRead, scaffolder, NGS, Tools

    1617 days ago