Results for "perl"


  • Perl Module Installation

    Nice step wide information on perl module installation.

    Tags: Perl, Module, Bioperl

    3978 days ago

  • Citrus Perl

    Citrus Perl is a binary distribution of Perl created for GUI application developers. The distribution includes wxPerl, the Perl wrapper for wxWidgets. Where supported by the operating system wxWidgets is available as a package for the 2.8.x stable branch and the 2.9.x development branch.

    Tags: Perl, CitrusPerl, GUI

    3945 days ago

  • Cava Deployment Tools

    Cava Packager allows packaging of applications written in Perl. Packaged applications can be distributed without the need for an installation of Perl on the target machine. Cava Packager is currently distributed under a free to use license. Supported Perl VersionsThreaded Perl with a shared libp...

    Tags: Cava, Perl, Packager, Deployment Tool

    3945 days ago

  • Perl and BioPerl Tutorials

    This bookmark is created to store the useful Perl and BioPerl tutorial links at one place. Feel free to share and add more useful tutorial links here ....   

    Tags: Perl, BioPerl, Tutorial, Educational Material

    3932 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Scripts

    Some of the useful bioinformatics scripts. For example ... is a Perl script that will automatically describe features of a sequence assembly.

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Education, Study, Script, Perl, Python

    3389 days ago

  • irishgrid: Irish Grid Mapping System

    Perl module for creating geographic 10km-square maps using either SVG or PNG (with GD library) output format. Originally design to map the location of objects in a 10 km map IrishGrid includes: native support of the Irish Grid System (see optimize for speed (there's as le...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Perl, Module, Map, Grid, Isris

    3446 days ago

  • BioScripts

    You are requested to please bookmark collection of bioinformatics tools, scripts, codes that can be pieced together in a very easy and flexible manner to perform both simple and complex bioinformatics tasks. The next-generation sequencing included whole genome sequencing(WGS), transcriptome sequ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Education, Solution, Study, Script, Perl, Python, R, Code

    3262 days ago

  • BioToolbox

    This is a collection of libraries and high-quality end-user scripts for bioinformatic analysis, including working with gene annotation, collecting data scores from a variety of modern file formats, and conversion between file formats. The Bio::ToolBox libraries provide a unified, abstracted inter...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Guide, Tutorial, Perl, Script, Toolbox, Bio

    3026 days ago

  • CSBB-v1.0

    CSBB is a command line based bioinformatics suite to analyze biological data acquired through varied avenues of biological experiments. CSBB is implemented in Perl, while it also leverages the use of R and python in background for specific modules. Major focus of CSBB is to allow users from biolo...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, CSBB-v1.0, Tools, Modules, Packages, Analyse, Perl, R

    2895 days ago

  • Many-Core Engine (MCE) for Perl example

    MCE spawns a pool of workers and therefore does not fork a new process per each element of data. Instead, MCE follows a bank queuing model. Imagine the line being the data and bank-tellers the parallel workers. MCE enhances that model by adding the ability to chunk the next n elements from the in...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Programming, Perl, MCE, Parallel, Core, Thread, Fork

    2679 days ago