Results for "horizontal"


  • AccNET

    ...formation in a network improving the analysis capability. Networks offer a new perspective of organism organization through elements acquired by horizontal gene transfers and not constr...

    2806 days ago

  • DarkHorse

    ...scores are useful not only for large-scalede novo predictions of horizontally transferred proteins, but can also serve as an independent quality control test for potential horizontal transfer candidates identifie...

    2913 days ago

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ResearchLabs posts

  • Edanchin Lab

    My main topics of interest are: The impact of non tree-like evolution such as horizontal gene transfers and hybridization on species biology Evolution and adaptation of animals in t...

    1302 days ago

  • Blaxter Lab

    ...high quality genomes we explore the evolutionary history of genes and species, building phylogenetic trees of life the contrasting roles of horizontal gene transfer and introgressi...

    1302 days ago
