Results for "Web designing"


  • A fast package to parse BLAST

    In current era, we are handling huge amount of genomics data, and analysing it to make some biological sense out...parser written in compiled languages as C++ and can be easily integrated into web appli...

    3925 days ago

  • OSDDlinux : Computational resources for drug discovery

    ...ugs for poors, is in the process of creating an in silico plateform for designing, discovering and simula...n. This is a collection and compilation of large number of software and web services which will be directly or...

    3913 days ago

  • C-DAC launch supercomputing facility "Param Bio Blaze" !!!

    The bioinformatics centre at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC)...the difference between normal tissues and tissues from breast cancer patients- Designing anti-cancer molecules, a coll...

    3764 days ago

  • Paper test for cancer !!!

    The American Cancer Society projects the numbers of new cancer cases and deaths expected each year in order to e...ce: Image: jasongrowclients Homepage:

    3757 days ago

  • Upgrade R 3.0.3

    R is a free software programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The R...ade to the latest version using the installr package

    3744 days ago

  • GrapheR !!!

    What a wonderful gem GrapheR is.... Oh yes it is. GrapheR is a GUI for base graphics in R by The package provides a graphical user interface...

    3587 days ago

  • IPython: Interactive notebooks

    The IPython Notebook is a web-based interactive computational environment where you can combine code execution, using the IPython Notebook Viewer service which will render it as a static web page....

    3502 days ago

  • R 3.2.0 is released

    R 3.2.0 (codename “Full of Ingredients”) was released yesterday. You can get the latest binaries version from here. (or the .tar.gz sourc...

    3340 days ago

  • BLAST+ updated !!!

    A new version (2.2.31) of the stand-alone BLAST executables (Linux, Windows and MacOSX on FTP) is now available. New features include support for BLAST-XML2 specificatio...

    3281 days ago

  • OpenCPU

    OpenCPU is a system for embedded scientific computing and reproducible research. The OpenCPU server provides a r...vailable today. OpenCPU uses standard R packaging to develop, ship and deploy web appli...

    3262 days ago