Results for "Systems Biology and Computational Biology; Molecular Biology"


  • WSCC – 2013 follows:Topics of Teaching and Research1. Review of postulat...Sham equations; Local density and generalized gradient approximations...Minimization; Limitations of Molecular Mechanics Models.[Dr.; Application in biological systems; 3D-QSAR   [Dr. Sudhi...

    3857 days ago

  • National Workshop on Data Deluge in Biology: Use of High-Performance Grid & Cloud computing

    Workshop on "Data Deluge in Biology: Use of High-Performance Gr...iotechnology (IBAB) Bangalore and Jorh...lopment areas in the field of biology, biomedicine, large-data ce...udents and faculty working in biology, genomics, biomedicine, large...ticipation. However transport and accommodation need to be taken ca...

    3827 days ago

  • The genome factory !!!

    Illumina, Inc. announced Tuesday that its new HiSeq X Ten Sequencin...Institute and a professor of biology at MIT. “The HiSeq...ra-high throughput sequencing systems, each generating up to 1.8 te...hput to sequence tens of thousands of high-quality, high-coverage g...

    3790 days ago

  • Cancers cure is on the way !!!

    The study on blind mole rat (Spalax) was carried out by researc...University of Haifa, Israel, and published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal BMC Biology. The...xperimentally induced cancer, and shows...o and in vitro evidence." BMC biology 11.1 (2013): 91. http://www....

    3784 days ago

  • C-DAC launch supercomputing facility "Param Bio Blaze" !!!

    The bioinformatics centre at Centre for Development of Advanced...sions to the understanding of molecular basis of living organis...posium, titled: 'Accelerating biology: Computing life'. The supercomp...p have a larger storage space and better computing facility for the...

    3757 days ago

  • Breaking chromosomes to study cancer !!!

    Chromosomes are present in every cell of our body and they contain the information the body needs to develop and function properly. This pairs, one from our mother and one from our father. The chro...ons occur following double-strand breaks (D..., and cheaper than many other systems....

    3607 days ago

  • IPython: Interactive notebooks

    The IPython Notebook is a web-based interactive computational environment where you can combine code execution, text, mathematics, plots and rich...e IPython Notebook, you can visit our example collection, and you...

    3495 days ago

  • dcGOR

    An R package for analysing ontologies and protein domain annotations has been published in PLoS Computational Biology ( part of CRAN (, and also at GitHub for version contro...

    3494 days ago

  • Illumina Smartphone Chip !!!

    Illumina, the company that claims it brought human genome sequencing down to $1000 pric...chip that you can plug into your smartphone and have...y to work, but while the core technology is computati...takes some 30 steps to extract genetic data and run...

    3441 days ago

  • Linux operating system aimed at scientists

    The Bio-Linux operating system is based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr), and the previous version was using U...developers only use LTS releases and that mean...tribution is aimed at scientists and it c...ion is now on the website in ISO and OVA v...t for a complete list of changes and upd...

    3422 days ago