Results for "Genomics Research"


  • Edit DNA !!!

    A genome-engineering tool known as Crispr may allow scientists to alter the DNA of humans, animals and plants, a research breakthrough that promises to...

    3742 days ago

  • Scalpel

    A team from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has released an algorithm, called Scalpel, f...s to the Simons Simplex Collection, a project of the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative. Scalpel found a v...

    3574 days ago

  • “On” and “Off” the neuron !!!

    Optogenetics is a recent innovation in neuroscience that gives researchers the ability to control the...r too little.  Now, two research groups have engineered new op...ogenetic protein.  Some researchers are also looking to optoge...

    3690 days ago

  • GenXPro GmbH

    GenXPro GMbH is service provider for entire spectrum of nucleotide-based informat...and cost efficient solutions for transcriptomic-, genomic- or epigenomic research. GENXPRO GMBH, ALTENH&O...

    3664 days ago

  • An Explosion Of Bioinformatics Careers

    Big data is everywhere, and its influence and practical omnipresence across...h the rapid development of new tools to make sense of life science research and outcomes, spurred by innovative research in bioinformatics itself, sci...

    3633 days ago

  • You and your friend have similar DNA !!!

    New research out of Massachusetts claims that people often choose friends that are simila...l with smell. The ones that lined up the least were immune system genes. The researchers weren't sure why that happ...

    3597 days ago

  • A comprehensive atlas of human gene activity released !!!

    A large international consortium of researchers has produced the first comprehensive, de...the causes of disease across the body. The research is outlined in a series of pa...uilding a complete library of human genes. Researchers studied human and mouse ce...

    3560 days ago

  • Genome Origami

    There are several interesting factoid about o...process that changes over time (!!). Researchers around the world have been...Director’s Blog highlights new research illustrating how the human ge...g loops are part of the answer. This research team, which published their f...

    3459 days ago

  • BINC examination 2015 !!!

    Pondicherry University,Puducherry,on behalf of Department o...candidates were certified. DBT has agreed to fund Research fellowships for all the BINC...a of the institutes/universities in order to avail research fellowship. In addition, cash...

    3442 days ago

  • Roche has acquired Bina Technologies !!!

    ...(NGS) data for the academic and translational research markets.  Bina will be i...iences are critical elements of an end-to-end genomics solution. Fast, easy-to-use,...lity and impact of the work of scientists and researchers. We believe in the future...

    3442 days ago