Results for "ls"


  • Paper test for cancer !!!

    ...caregiver by a picture on a mobile phone. The MIT professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator Sangeeta Bhatia, who is also the John and Dorothy Wilson Professor of Health Science...

    3750 days ago

  • Update Genome Workbench 2.7.15 released

    ...and tabular views of data. It can also align your private data to d...form API for managing system internals, database connections, networ...ts Inspector tutorial for more details. Binary packages for Linux O...ews

    3749 days ago

  • Upgrade R 3.0.3

    ...computing and graphics. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis. Polls and surveys of data miners ar...

    3737 days ago

  • Scalpel

    ...on SourceForge, outperformed the popular tools GATK HaplotypeCaller and SOAP..., which may be linked to a high incidence of indels. One thousand indels from than the rates for either of the competing tools; Scalpel performed especially...

    3575 days ago

  • Deadly Human Pathogen Cryptococcus Sequenced

    ...products of the most important pathogenic lineage of Cryptococcus neoformans, a strain called H99. The results, which appear in PLOS Genetics, also describe a number of genetic...

    3691 days ago

  • “On” and “Off” the neuron !!!

    ...r, and disease (see “Scientists Make Mice ‘Remember’ Things Tha...ptogenetic protein.  Some researchers are also looking to optogenetics as a.... The method requires genetic modification of cells to make them light-sensitive....

    3691 days ago

  • UK executive accused in GlaxoSmithKline China probe

    Mark Reilly and two other colleagues are also suspected of bribing government officials in Beijing and Shanghai, they said. Police have handed the case over to prosecutors, officials said. GSK said it took the a...

    3672 days ago

  • Scientists map 17,294 proteins produced in human body

    ...ent mass spectrometry-based analysis of human tissues, body fluids and cells mapping the large majority of...account for around 84% of the total proteins. Apart from this, the team also traced around 2,500 of 3,000...

    3658 days ago

  • An Explosion Of Bioinformatics Careers

    ...pharma, biotech, and software companies are clamoring to hire professionals with experience in bioinforma...logical and health care information. With the rapid development of new tools to make sense of life science...

    3634 days ago

  • The 8000 years old Tibetian gene mutation !!!

    ...dows its carriers with an advantage.In those without the adaptation, low oxygen caused their blood to become thick with oxygen-carrying red blood cells, an attempt to feed starved t...

    3574 days ago