Results for "UP"


  • A powerful, yet simple, gene set analysis tool for interpreting RNA-seq and NGS results.

    ...sp;GeneCards, MalaCards, PathCards and LifeMap Discovery, each of them integrates information from a very large number of resources. GeneAnalytics supplies links for extensive back...

    3525 days ago

  • dcGOR

    ...GitHub for version control.The dedicated website is available in, from which several demos are also provided:1. Analysing SCOP domains:

    3516 days ago

  • translate2R product brand name “translate2R”. translate2R is a service for the automated translation of SPSS® syntax to R code, therefore supporting data analysts with a q...

    3503 days ago

  • Genome Origami

    ...These DNA folding is a dynamic process that changes over time (!!). Researchers around the world have been trying to understand how DNA folds itself up so efficiently, and a recent...

    3481 days ago

  • Type Hinting

    Python creator Guido van Rossum’s proposal for static type-checking annotations is inching closer to reality, and the feature has taken on a new name: type hint...

    3453 days ago

  • Interactive Market Intelligence

    ...based market research analytics tool for the life science tools industry.Superior to traditional PDF and 9.8% in 2015; 22% of respondents are highly likely to switch primary suppliers of qPCR products; 50% o...

    3444 days ago

  • Linux operating system aimed at scientists

    ...lopers only use LTS releases and that means that upgrades for this distro don't c...t means its users won't have to worry about the support. Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is this version if you are an existing user. All updates to existing packages wil...

    3444 days ago

  • Pacman

    ...ecompress and run R CMD INSTALL on it, or use the devtools package to install the development version: ## Make sure your current packages are up to date update.packages() ## devtools i...

    3416 days ago

  • R for Microsoft Excel

    ...from Excel to R by Tony Ojeda. The tutorial explains how to use R functions in place of Excel formulas, including tools like =AVERAGE and =VLOOKUP. For the most part, it uses m...

    3414 days ago

  • BCIL Bioinformatics BITP Application !!

    ...f this application should be reached before 15th May 2015. All the latest updates like selection process, exam syllabus and other related information are updated soon at the main URL of...

    3356 days ago