Results for "N"


  • Accelerating Biology 2014:The Next Wave (18-22 February, 2014)

    New advances in biology are being made at a rapidly increasing pace, largely due to new tec...the molecular basis of a living organism. The Next Generatio...gear up to tackle these challenges most biologists are biology tools to solve scientific problems in their respec...

    3897 days ago

  • Biggest Human Brain Project (HBP) launched!!!

    "In neuroscience, the project will use neuroinformatics and brain simulation to collect and integrate exper...identifying and filling gaps in our knowledge, and prioritisi...atures of brain disease, allowing diagnosis at an early stage, the cost of drug discovery.In computing, new techniques of...

    3914 days ago

  • The anatomy of successful computational biology software

    Creators of software widely used in computational biology discuss the factors that contributed to their success Nature Bio...oke with Altschul and several other originators of computational biology...tware tools successful, the unique challenges of developing them for bio...

    3912 days ago

  • PubMed opens for comment

    The informal conversations that researchers have at scientific meetings look set to move online, if a new initiative by the US National Center f...BI) has its way. On 22 October, the NCBI of Bethesda, Maryland, some 22 million papers.For now, only a select group of researche...

    3898 days ago

  • RNA-Seq Data Pathway and Gene-set Analysis Workflows al., 2009) /Pahview (Luo and Brouwer, 2013) workflows on RNA-Seq data pathway analysis and gene-set analysis. The gage package (2.12.0)...full workflow from preparation, reads counting, data preproc...hview vigenttes for details. Note: You need to update to cur...

    3885 days ago

  • BEReX : Biomedical Entity-Relation eXplorer

    BEReX is a new biomedical knowledge integration, search, and exploration tool. BER...rates eight popular databases (STRING, DrugBank, KEGG, PharmGKB, B...igDB) and delineates an integrated network by combining the inform...e resulting graph can be explored interactively. BEReX allows user...

    3891 days ago

  • Make Genomic Research Less Ethnically-Biased

    Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim Hélu, the world’s 2nd-richest man, is giving an additional $74 million to a genomic...n in order to right a bias in the field–a kind of scientific at

    3891 days ago

  • WSCC – 2013

    DST-SERB Winter School on Computational Chemistry (WSCC – 2013)December 9-13, 2013Organized By Department of Chemistry, Sardar Patel U...The Hartree-Fock approximation; Restricted and Unrestricted...LCAO Ansatz in the KS equations; Applications of DFT.[Prof....

    3881 days ago

  • A-allele of SLC24A5 gene is found to be responsible for variation in skin color of South-East Asians and Europeans

    Key finding: rs1426654 SNP of SLC24A5 gene is decider of skin pigmentation variation in South Asia rs1426654-A allele is wid...out the Indian subcontinent  Skin pigmentation is also account...Sign of positive selection in Europeans, Middle East, Pakistan, Cent...

    3878 days ago

  • Y-chromosome is worthless!!!

    The testis determinant factor Sry and the spermatogonial proliferation factor Eif2s3y genes of Y-chromosome play role in sex determination and performing first stage of spermatogenesis respectively. Paper:

    3867 days ago