Results for "C"


  • You and your friend have similar DNA !!!

    New research out of Massachusetts claims that people often choose friends that are similar to them in genetics and they are more accurate t...PNAS lined up the most were olfactory genes, which deal with sm...

    3621 days ago

  • Ebola virus disease (EVD)or Ebola haemorrhagic fever !!!

    ...ease (EVD)or Ebola haemorrhagic fever is a severe and often deadly illness in humans, caused by the Ebola virus. The...g at least 932 people and infecting more than 1,700 till date...s or other body fluids of infected people or exposure to supervision of burial or incineration of carcasses.Yet, no...

    3607 days ago

  • GrapheR !!!

    ...yes it is. GrapheR is a GUI for base graphics in R by The package provides a gr...eal for beginners in R, as the user interface is very clear and the code i...with the plotting window settings? It is much easier/quicker with this GUI...

    3603 days ago

  • pybedtools

    ...ython wrapper for Aaron Quinlan's BEDtools programs (, which are widely used for feature-level manipulations from with Python. See full online documentation, including installa...

    3598 days ago

  • A comprehensive atlas of human gene activity released !!!

    A large international consortium of researchers has produced the first comprehensive, detailed map of...he regions of the genome that can be active in a disease and...series of papers published March 27, 2014, two in the journal...nage gene activity. The researchers mapped the activity of 18...

    3584 days ago

  • Ensembl 77 has been released!

    New updates in e!77 !! Updated human gene set (GENCODE 21) Updated rat gene set including manual annotation from HAVANA New species: Vervet-African green monkey Imported Tran...

    3551 days ago

  • Surrogate Variable Analysis (SVA)

    The sva package contains functions for removing batch effects and other unwanted variatio...sets. Surrogate variables are covariates constructed directly...ces of noise. The sva package can be used to remove artifacts...estimates, and improve reproducibility, see (Leek and Storey...

    3527 days ago

  • A powerful, yet simple, gene set analysis tool for interpreting RNA-seq and NGS results.

    LifeMap Sciences is introducing GeneAnalytics, our new gene set analysis tool, which is applicable for NGS result...gene lists from variable sources. GeneAnalytics provides&nbs...information on each of the matched results.   I invi...

    3527 days ago

  • IPython: Interactive notebooks

    ...Notebook is a web-based interactive computational environment where you can combine code execution, text, mathemati...tebooks are normal files that can be shared with colleagues,...hich will render it as a static web page. This makes it easy...a variety of topics, from basic programming to advanced scien...

    3518 days ago

  • dcGOR

    An R package for analysing ontologies an...ions has been published in PLoS Computational Biology ( The package is di...and also at GitHub for version control.The dedicated website i...Pro domains:

    3517 days ago