Results for "BASE"


  • DNA Bending Propensity in the Presence of Base Mismatches: Implications for DNA Repair

    ..., G:A, G:G, T:T, A:A, A+:C) vs. non-defective DNA (containing A:T or G:C base pairs). DNA repair mechanisms likely take advantage of this feature to detect defective DNA based on an increased bending prop...

    3939 days ago

  • Illumina reveals first dataset of long reads

    ....,  FastTrack Long Reads. Average read length is around 8,500 base pairs in release dataset.&

    3935 days ago

  • Scalpel

    ...peats in the map, it iteratively increases the size of the k-mers by one base until the repeats are tools; Scalpel performed especially well with indels longer than five base pairs, a traditional weak poi...

    3573 days ago

  • Tsetse Fly Genome sequenced

    ...sed several sequencing approaches to tackle the tsetse fly's 366 million base genome. The current study, a...eglected Tropic Diseases, are the result of  nearly 150 researchers based in 18 countries. Source: h...

    3690 days ago

  • The 8000 years old Tibetian gene mutation !!!

    ...ts is the first to find a genetic cause for the adaptation, a single DNA base pair change that dates back 8...nditions. About 8,000 years ago, the gene EGLN1 changed by a single DNA base pair. Today, a relatively sho...

    3573 days ago

  • GrapheR !!!

    What a wonderful gem GrapheR is.... Oh yes it is. GrapheR is a GUI for base graphics in R by The package provides a graphical user interface for creating base charts in R. It is ideal for...

    3579 days ago

  • Linux operating system aimed at scientists

    The Bio-Linux operating system is based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr), and the previous v...sitories. Bio-Linux is using an Ubuntu LTS version as its base The fact that it uses Ubuntu LTS versions for the base is a good thing because it me...

    3421 days ago

  • Pacman

    ...ckage is an R package management tool that combines the functionality of base library related functions int...bscurely named functions, reducing code and integrating functionality of base functions to simultaneously p...

    3393 days ago

  • R 3.2.0 is released

    ...le lists. New function dir.exists() in package base to test efficiently whether o...topenv() has been made .Internal() for speedup, based on Peter Haverty’s pro...for building and retrieving the help search database used by, along...

    3332 days ago

  • Supposedly Educational R

    R 3.3.0 (codename “Supposedly Educational”) was released today. You can get the latest binaries version from here. (or the .tar.gz sour...

    2951 days ago