Results for "data science"


  • Bio++ : C Language libraries for your biological need

    C has always been a language that never attempts to tie a programmer dow...Access), allowing you to fetch public databases like GenBank, EMBL or Sw...genetics and molecular evolution Data structure and IO Phylogeneti...ks with Function objects).Statistics: DataTab...

    4000 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Articles links

    ...theVirtual School of Natural Sciences BioComputing Division. P...rotein Sequence Alignment and Database Scanning Geoff Barto...ent subfields, currently Glycoscience, Protein Structure. LASSAP a...World , Dec. 10, 2002. Data stored in multiplying bacteria&n...

    3973 days ago

  • Virtual Bioinformatics Online Tutorial

    ..., UK, Virtual school of molecular sciences the principles of protei...cs courses! > Science and technology directory Wei...ISCB Training information Penn Database Research Group- Classes ( II ) MRes Biomolecular Sciences Lecture Notes: 1. The Gene a...

    3973 days ago

  • Syntax for Secure Copy (scp)

    In our day to day research activity, we need to securely copy our data from several to local computer and visa-versa..., or between different hosts. It uses ssh for data transfer and provides the sam...scp uses the Triple-DES cipher to encrypt the data be...

    3754 days ago

  • Keep Your Important SSH Session Running when You Disconnect from Server !!!

    As a Bioinformatician/ Computational biologist we swim in the ocean of genomic/proteomics data, and play with them with an ease. In our day to day simulation, analysis, comparative study we do need...

    3755 days ago

  • A guide for complete R beginners :- R Syntax

    R is a functional based language, the inputs to a function, including op...are separated by a comma Function(data, options) Even quit is a f...they are not needed when referring to data objects or function names. T...rinted to screen read.table(‘data.ts...

    3409 days ago

  • A guide for complete R beginners :- Getting data into R

    For a beginner this can be is the hardest part, it is also the m...rsquo; function already. mydata Now mydata is a data will print to screen mydata$V1 mydata$V2 mydata$V3 will print to screen mydata$A mydata$B mydata$C # Sum...t already done so attach(mydata)...

    3409 days ago

  • A guide for complete R beginners :- Installing R packages

    Part of the reason R has become so popular is the vast array of packages available at...oaded packages. On my machine, I use the directory /data/Rpackages/ After creating a p...the command:> install.packages("ggplot2", lib="/data/Rp...

    3409 days ago

  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART2 !!

    ...ory saving and convenience of data inquiry, high-throughput short reads data is always initially formatted...m. Given an already-assembled dataset, it is capable of assembli...kmer repeats from the shotgun data and removes them prior to the...lone scaffolding tool for NGS data. It can be used together with...

    2738 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 2

    ...Perl script that says "ni" to data silnrsi/font-ttf - Font...Use ElasticSearch as a NoSQL database in Perl claesjac/javascript...libs to manipulate Minecraft data files kentaro/perl-dbix-rico&nb.../TCP-IP-Stack - computer science 460 group project written in...

    2546 days ago