Results for "read depth"


  • Bio++ : C Language libraries for your biological need

    C has always been a language that never attempts to tie a programmer down - it allows...ime has been change, the biological programmers are ready to use the C++ libraries of...switch between upper/lower case, etc.Applications: read...

    3990 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Articles links

    I found several useful bioinformatics articles which exaplain, define and elaborate&nb...this time aimed at highschool students, but fun to read for everyone.  Includes...sby, Science , 289: 2309 (2000). Are you ready...

    3963 days ago

  • Linux SSH Client Commands for Bioinformatics

    Here come on let play with the following basic command line usage of the ssh client.1....t only for the password as the remote host key is already added to the known hosts lis...  debug: SshConfig/sshconfig.c:3130/ssh_config_read_...

    3748 days ago

  • Find certain files/documents in Linux OS

    As bioinformatician I know the fact that we usually handle the large dataset and lost in the huge numbers of...u=s12. Find SGID FilesFind all SGID set files.# find / -perm /g+s13. Find Read Only FilesFind all Read...

    3724 days ago

  • Monitor running jobs on Linux server

    You as a bioinformatican run lots of program on your servers. Sometime the shared server is also used by your coll...q’ or ‘CTRL-C’ to exit from ‘top’.Now let’s read...

    3663 days ago

  • A guide for complete R beginners :- R Syntax

    R is a functional based language, the inputs to a function, including option...s a function q() So is help help(read.table) Provides the help page for the FUNCTION ‘read.table’ name, same as help(function) ?read....

    3400 days ago

  • A guide for complete R beginners :- Getting data into R

    For a beginner this can be is the hardest part, it is also the most i...ile. We have touched on the ‘read.table’ function already. mydata Now mydata is...Two other important options for read.table If is is separated onl...dquo;) Scatter plot # if not already...

    3400 days ago

  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART2 !!

    ...stimation from Biased RNA-Seq ReadsCEM is an algorithm to a...e AssemblerPRICE (Paired-Read Iterative Contig Extension) i...with Highly Uneven Sequencing Depth IDBA is a practica...ended for Illumina sequencing reads. Quake adopts the k-mer error...

    2728 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 2

    licheng/gccfilter - gccfilter is a perl filter to colorize a...ets" - "The wxBook" jmcnamara/spreadsheet-parseexcel - Perl module to read Excel binary files Geo-omics.../Garmin-FIT - Perl code for reading and conversion of Garmin F...e named worksheet in the Excel spreads...

    2536 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 3

    fujiwara/perl-queue-q4pg-lite - simple message queue - (Perl) Clear, readable syntax for command line p...(Perl) bingos/module-install-readmefrompod - (perl) A Modu...l tools to use different RFID readers for library use chef/chef...[IMPORTANT: please click and read...

    2536 days ago