Results for "Protein Structure Prediction and Drug Design"


  • Bio++ : C Language libraries for your biological need

    C has always been a language that never attempts to tie a programme...mes with a genuinely useful standard library that can itself be implemented in C, and it is...ormated model description for proteins, with possibility to with codominant markers and bio-sequence data for individual...

    3988 days ago

  • BioRuby :Ruby packages for biologist

    BioRuby is a package of Open Source Ruby code, with classes for DNA and protein sequence analysis, alignment, database parsing, and other Bioinformatics tools.BioRuby proje...Kyoto University(Bioinformatics Center) and...ioRuby project was started in late 2000, and is...

    3988 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Articles links

    I found several useful bioinformatics articles which exaplain, define and elaborate the bioinformatics i...roproses requirements for a standard bioinformatics curriculum. By Ru...matics course. By Russ Altman and John K...elds, currently Glycoscience, Protein Structure. LASSAP a LArge Scale S...

    3961 days ago

  • Introduction to Bioinformatics

    ...even Salzberg. Principles of Protein Structure Using the Internet Practical...ellent review on genetic code and information processing Molecular S...oductory sequence analysis by Andrew S Louka Homology Modelling -Protein and homology modelling fo...Genomic Era Protein sequence and stru...

    3961 days ago

  • Virtual Bioinformatics Online Tutorial

    There are several vitual online bioinfor...icsNational University of Ireland , Ireland UNIX, GCG, SEQLAB and STADEN...r sciences the principles of protein structure, using the > Science and technology directory Weizman...earning - Bioinformatics and Fu...

    3961 days ago

  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART2 !!

    The genome assemblers generally take a file of short sequence reads and a file of quality-value as the inpu...f computational memory saving and convenience of data inquiry, formatted to specific data structure. Currently, existing data structure...BAM format / RNA-Seq Assembly and...

    2726 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 2

    licheng/gccfilter - gccfilter is a perl filter to colorize and simplify (or expand) gcc diagnostic messages. gccfilter...p;- Facebook SDL in Perl GeneDesign/GeneDesign - Synthetic biology l...ion of the Nagios NRPE daemon - Perl script to list and vote on The DAO proposals alexe...

    2534 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 3

    ...- 使用Perl + Moose实现《Head First Design Pattern》的大部分例子 mudler/Git...Modern Perl with CPAN jeffa/Desi...kit that builds on GDAL, Perl and GTK+ Weborama/Riak-Light -...uckDuckGo Instant Answer Infrastructure nbs-system/naxsi - N...them in a discovery friendly design. yuri-gushin/Roboo - Ro...

    2534 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 4

    tjstein/php5-fpm-munin-plugins - A set of Munin plugins for PH...hexchat-addons - Plugins and scripts made for HexChat berekuk/U...uster performances monitoring and auditing tool cfengine/design-center - CFEngine com...o quickly examine the general structure of a file. toreanderson/c...

    2534 days ago

  • Bioinformatics in Africa: Part2 - Kenya

    International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI): Under   ...sp;  Eastern   and   Central   Afr...sts of a hub, regional nodes, and ...ful bioinformatics  infrastructure for use by all scientists in East and central Africa. The Platform...

    1224 days ago