Results for "V gene"

Top-level pages

  • Alignment-free sequence comparison tools available for next-generation sequencing data analysis

    ...ChimeRScope Fusion transcript prediction using gene k-mers profiles of the R...ICADo Detection of mutations in targeted third-generation NGS data (can distingui...afcluster Clustering of reads from different genes and different species based...

    2399 days ago

  • Single Cell RNAseq data analysis tutorial !!

    ...age expression level for each gene across a large population of...sufficient for studying heterogeneous systems, e.g. early d...Single-Cell Resolution of Temporal Gene Expression during Heart Devel...OEFinder: Identify ordering effect genes in single cell RNA-seq data...

    2379 days ago

  • RNAseq data analysis links !, quality control, read alignment, quantification of gene and transcript levels, visualization, differential gene expression, alternative splic...s easy as 1-2-3 with limma, Glimma and edgeR Differential gene and transcript expression ana...

    2379 days ago

  • Tools for bacterial whole genome annotation

    ...cess that includes prediction of protein-coding genes, as well as other as structural RNAs, tRNAs, small RNAs, pseudogenes, control regions, direct and...espectively, against a nonredundant set of KEGG GENES. KOALA (KEGG Orthology And L...

    2360 days ago

  • List of visualization tools for network biology

    ...rks GENeVis  Network and pathway visualization GEPHI SNOW  Gene mapping on a reference or hum...

    2316 days ago

  • Webinar on RNA-Seq Data Analysis on 28 Feb 2018

    ...ential expression analysis, Splicing events and gene fusion detection. Strand NGS...ts novel discovery like identification of novel genes, exons and novel splice contextualization on the set of interesting genes from the data by allowing do...

    2292 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools to detect horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in genomes

    Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), the “non-sexual movement of genetic material between two organi...a eukaryotic species to gain a gene by HGT, foreign DNA must ente...lection, despite potential for genetic incompatibility with the h...sp;download 22355228   GeneMarkS / 4.30 HGT de...

    878 days ago

  • Some useful Bioinformatics links

    ...m/nanoporetech/ont-assembly-polish Generade-nl/TULIP: TULIP - The Unc...ation Pipeline platform for synthetic gene design | Bioinformatics | Oxf....1186/1471-2105-15-211 Palindromic gene amplification — an evol...

    2270 days ago

  • Ancestral sequence reconstruction steps !

    ...dash; also known as ancestral gene/sequence reconstruction/resur...the synthesis of an ancestral gene and expression of the co...r variety of and much more ancient genes. Over the last decade,...; 2- Your dataset has a good phylogenetic signal, is possible to per...

    2207 days ago

  • Understanding BLASTn output format 6 !

    ...6 BLASTn maps DNA against DNA, for example gene sequences against a reference genomeblastn  -query genes.ffn  -subject genome.fna  -o...rt send evalue bitscore  1.  qseqid  query (e.g., gene) sequence id  2.  sseqi...

    2167 days ago