Results for "miRNA target gene"

Top-level pages

  • LINKS scaffolder bloomfilter setting !

    ➜ bin git:(master) ✗ ls -l total 68 drwxrwxr-x 3 urbe urbe 4096 Jun 15 12:15 lib -rwxrwxrwx 1 urbe urbe 65141 J...ACG:ATATATAGCGCACGACGCAGCACAGCAGCAGACGAC -d distance between k-mer pairs (ie. targ...

    2179 days ago

  • Understanding BLASTn output format 6 !

    BLASTn output format 6 BLASTn maps DNA against DNA, for example gene sequences against a reference genomeblastn  -query genes.ffn  -subject genome.fna  -o...itscore  1.  qseqid  query (e.g., gene) sequence id  2.  sseqi...

    2166 days ago

  • Interview Puzzles for Bioinformatician !

    These are some of the most famous Interview Puzzles being asked in top tech companies.Here is a list of Top 25 puzzles which have been asked in top Tech Interview....

    2147 days ago

  • Read Simulators

    Short Read Simulators With the popularity of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, many N.... MetaSim wgsim SimNGS ArtificialFastqGenerator InSilicoSeq Long Rea...shown an increasing interest in using third-generation sequencing (TGS) techno...

    611 days ago

  • Tools for Geospatial data analysis !

    Geospatial data is becoming increasingly important in many fields, including urban planning, environmental science, public health, and more. These...

    438 days ago

  • Steps to find all the repeats in the genome !

    To find repeats in a genome from 2 to 9 length using a P...nd 9). Analyze the output: RepeatMasker will generate several output files, inc...hs of the reference elements. This script will generate several output files, inc...

    276 days ago

  • Mitochondrial genome assembly tools !

    Mitochondrial genome assembly tools are spe...obtained through techniques like next-generation sequencing (NGS). The mit...he nuclear genome, making it an ideal target for assembly. Here are genomes and annotate mitochondrial genes from trimmed read sequencing...

    270 days ago