Results for "NT"

Top-level pages

  • Tools for bacterial whole genome annotation

    ...several extra steps if you want to do functional profili...s, small RNAs, pseudogenes, control regions, direct and invert...stematic comparison of different annotations of single genomes...e, view and edit individual contigs and BACs without the overh...

    2379 days ago

  • Run miniasm assembler on nanopore reads ! the GFA format. Different from mainstream assemblers, m...ail of the reads repeats: fq2fa ONT_A.fastq ONT_A.fasta mini...d 30 kb) minidot -f 5 -m 30000 AONTself.paf > AONTself30000.ep...lf.paf minidot -f 5 -m 10000 AONT_miniasm_self.paf > AONT_mi...

    2377 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Web Application Development with Perl

    ...e ways, the duct tape of the Internet. Web Application Development The old days of CGI programs...designed to make web development and deployment simpler. Any...tible with the CPAN, but the intention is to provide good work...ll-blown web frameworks and content management systems to APIs...

    2369 days ago

  • BBSplit: Read Binning Tool for Metagenomes and Contaminated Libraries

    BBSplit internally uses BBMap to map reads...hey match best. This is different than with ordinary mapping. If a genome (say, human) contains an exact repeat somewhere...BSplit is like Seal, either quantifying how many reads go to ea...ibrary of something that was contaminated with e.coli and salmo...

    2362 days ago

  • Converting FASTQ to FASTA

    ...can be used to selectively print the desired lines from a file, so if you print the first and 2rd line of in a tabular format and print first and second field using&...le.fq | awk '{if(NR%4==1) {printf(">%s\n",substr($0,2));} e...;bioawk bioawk -c fastx '{print ">"$name"\n"$seq}' input.f...

    2352 days ago

  • PerlOneLiner for Bioinformatician

    ...e all blank linesperl -ne 'print unless /^$/'perl -lne 'print if length'perl -ne 'print if...rep{/./}<>'perl -le 'print~~grep/./,<>'perl -E 'sa...amp;& $t++ } @F; END { print $t }'perl -alne '$t += /regex...erl -le '@list = (1,2)x20; print "@list"' # Create an array f...

    2349 days ago

  • sam to bam conversion !!

    ...bsp; Code: $ samtools or samtools followed by the name of one of the samtools commands, you will get a few lines of help giving the correct syntax for that command,

    2338 days ago

  • List of visualization tools for network biology

    ...(a “network” of interconnected components). The Network analysis...logicalNetworks  Efficient integrated multi-level analys...rom purification data experiments TVNViewer  An interactive visualization tool fo...

    2335 days ago

  • List of visualization tools for genome alignments

    ...are the list of genome alignment visualization tools, which a novel graph-based representation to display a sequence as... all unique sequences in an entire Illumina sequencing run h...

    2331 days ago

  • Linux Commands Cheat Sheet for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Professionals of this cheat sheet is to introduce biologist and bioinformatician to the frequently used tools for NGS analysis...te — show the current date and time whoami &md...create a tar named file.tar containing files tar xf file.tar&n...

    2328 days ago