Results for "c"

Top-level pages

  • Converting BLAST output into CSV

    ...ut. Generally, that’s the case - you want to retrieve all matches, or do a reciprocal BLAST,..., the text output is in some specific format. If the program is...n from the output. Let’s conclude this tutorial by conve...placed the files in /root/ngs-scripts/, and you’re looki...

    2389 days ago

  • Tools for bacterial whole genome annotation

    ...ity annotation in a flash, which is particularly useful if yo...ine is designed to annotate bacterial and archaeal genomes (c...wnload or use outside of the NCBI environment. BEACON (autom...produces ab-initio gene predictions and automatically synthe...

    2384 days ago

  • Run miniasm assembler on nanopore reads !

    Miniasm is a very fast OLC-based de novo assembler for noisy long...eads. It takes all-vs-all read self-mappings (typically by minimap) as mainstream assemblers, miniasm does not have a consensus step. It simply conca...

    2382 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Web Application Development with Perl

    Perl's second wave of adoption came from the growth of the world wide web. Dynamic web pages—the precursor to modern web applications—were easy to crea...programming with Perl (see Mechanize or LWP or your database based on the concept of queries and results....

    2374 days ago

  • BBSplit: Read Binning Tool for Metagenomes and Contaminated Libraries

    ...eads to multiple genomes at once, and determine which genome they match best. This...n human and mouse. BBSplit tracks this additional ambiguity i...onal information regarding which sequences came from which re...=reads1.fq in2=reads2.fq ref=ecoli.fa,salmonella.fa basename=...

    2366 days ago

  • Converting FASTQ to FASTA

    ...There are several ways you can convert fastq to fasta sequence...ry 4 lines, you get the sequence header and sequence needed f...le in the FASTX-toolkit that scales really well with the huge...s another option using a tool called seqtk seqtk seq -a...

    2357 days ago

  • PerlOneLiner for Bioinformatician

    FILE SPACING------------ # Double space a fileperl -pe '$\="\n"' of lines in a file that match a pattern (emulate grep -c)p...rint e' # Print UNIX time (seconds since Jan 1, 1970, 00:00:...ZA-Mn-za-m/' file # Base64 encode a stringperl -MMIME::Base6...

    2354 days ago

  • sam to bam conversion !!

    To do sam to bam conversion, follow the following commands :-  Code: $ samtools view -b -S file.sam >...bam Then you will need to use  Code: $ samtools sort indexed file.If you just type  Code: $ samtools or samtool...

    2343 days ago

  • List of visualization tools for network biology analysis is any structured technique used to mathematically analyze a circuit (a “network&rdquo...n be used to identify dynamic communities in networks ProViz  Visualizat...l for exploring networks that change over time or space http...

    2340 days ago

  • List of visualization tools for genome alignments

    ...ptimization of parameters, which leads to better results. But...nment visualization tools, which could be useful for analysis...allows visualization of sequence features, next-generation se...short read alignment, identification of genetic variation and...

    2336 days ago