Results for "Split"



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    ...pare DNA to proteins, with frameshifts. Compare PSSMs to sequences Calculate the likelihood of chance similarities between random sequences. Do split and spliced alignment. Train...

    3018 days ago


    PRISM is a software for split read (reads which span across a structrual variant -- SV ) mapping and SV calling from the mapping result. PRISM is able to detect small insertions a...

    2742 days ago

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Wire posts

  • Rename the fasta name perl -ane 'if(/\>/){$a++; @foo = split /\s+/;$_ = join '_', @foo; print "$_\n"}else{print;}' your.fasta > new.fa #PerlTrick #PerlOneliner #Perl

    2828 days ago

  • Split the text file with line number in Linux: wc -l abc.txt and then: split -l 60000 abc.txt #Split #Break #Line #Ubuntu #Linux #Tricks

    2820 days ago

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ResearchLabs posts

  • The Mills lab

    ...pped pairs of clone ends; (ii) read-depth analysis, which detects deletions and duplications through analysis of the read depth-of-coverage; (iii) split read analysis, which detects...

    3032 days ago

