Results for "Processes"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Donnelly Centre of Cellular & Biomolecular Research (CCBR), Bader Lab Predicting biologically relevant protein interactions Cellular network evolution Detection of cell type and stage active biological processes using molecular profiles Bio...

    3989 days ago

  • MAB Lab

    Seamless integration of a series of biological processes finally manifests as what we perceive as "Life". In...we seek to understand the underlying mechanistic basis of biological processes at the molecular level and in...

    3926 days ago

  • The Graveley Lab

    ...nes can be regulated. Our long-term goals are to understand how these processes are regulated at a mechanistic level and to understand the logic of these processes in significant biological set...

    3861 days ago

  • ArrayGen Bioinformatics Genomics Group

    ...oach Strategy (ADAS) aims to condense the time lag between demands of scientific community and manufacture industry, thereby expediting research processes. ArrayGen specializes in G...

    3548 days ago

  • Chekulaevalab

    ...are a class of such short non-coding RNAs. They regulate expression of more than a half of eukaryotic genes, thus, affecting multiple biological processes, including cell proliferation...

    3078 days ago

  • Katju Lab

    ...tors contributing to genomic variation and phenotypic diversity. To this end, we employ molecular and bioinformatic tools to study evolutionary processes at the level of populations,...

    3033 days ago

  • Navin Lab technologies. They apply these tools to study complex biological processes that occur in human cancers i...n, clonal evolution, invasion, metastasis and chemoresistance. These processes have previously been difficul...

    2950 days ago

  • Bienko and Crosetto Labs

    ...strong focus on tumor heterogeneity. By sharing ideas and resources, we work synergistically towards a more quantitative understanding of life’s processes in healthy and diseased condi...

    2591 days ago


    ...ion (evolutionary rule books), cancer heterogeneity and working out what changes have happened as a tumour evolves. We’re also investigating the processes that cause mutations and acce...

    2013 days ago


    DNA is quite fragile and easily damaged, both by the normal processes of life at work within our cells and by external agents such as the chemicals in tobacco smoke or ultraviolet (UV)...

    2013 days ago