Results for "5"


  • Install kraken on linux

    ...::kraken-1.1-h470a237_2 perl pkgs/main/linux-64::perl-5.26.2-h14c3975_0 Proceed ([y]/n)? y...af8fb68 | 0 857 B bioconda perl-threaded-5.26.0 | 0...

    1522 days ago

  • Setting up autoConTAMPR !

    (base) jit@jit-HP-Pro-3335-MT:~/Downloads/testDock$ docker buil...: FROM perl:latest ---> de6996f7ef50 Step 3/16 : FROM bioperl/bi...ayan" ---> Using cache ---> c0e65f263890 Step 5/16 : RUN apt-g...lib perl ---> Using cache ---> 5c8f91f5e722 Step 7/16 : RUN a...

    1502 days ago

  • Copy files from/to Docker

    ...ER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 72ca2488b353 my_image X hours a...#Copy a file from host to container: $ docker cp foo.txt 72ca2488b353:/foo.txt #Copy a file fro...

    1500 days ago

  • Sequence Ids conversion files !

    ...ate Modified ARCHIVE/ 02/01/2020, 05:30:00 ASN_BINARY/ 03/07/202.../07/2020, 07:48:00 0 B 10/02/2012, 05:30:00 15.1 kB 30/06/2020, 23...4:00 21.4 MB 03/07/2020, 07:44:00 45.1 MB 03/07/2020, 07:44:00 86...special_requests/ 18/04/2020, 00:15:00 737 B 09/06/2011, 05:30:0...

    1462 days ago

  • get GC across the entire CDS !

    #look at GC across the entire CDS. gffread -x - -g | \ seqtk comp - | \ awk -v OFS="\t" '{ print $1, "0", $2, ($4 + $5) / $2 }'

    1453 days ago

  • Script to extract the cluster detail !

    $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Release: 18.04 Codename: bionic $ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i 'model name' | head -n 1 model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz

    1438 days ago

  • Bash script to get exon fragments from genome files !

    #Exons are already defined in the GTF file, so we simply need to print lines that are marked exonic. gunzip -c genome_file.gtf.gz | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t";} $3=="exon" {print $1,$4-1,$5}' | bedtools sort | bedtools merge -i - | gzip > my_exon.bed.gz

    1426 days ago

  • Bash script to extract intronic fragments !

    ...onic regions from the genic region, we have the intronic region. gunzip -c genome_file.gtf.gz | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t";} $3=="gene" {print $1,$4-1,$5}' | bedtools sort | bedtool...

    1426 days ago

  • Bash script to get intergenic region from genome files !

    ...| sed 's/^chr//' | sed 's/Cp/Pt/' > tmp mv tmp xxx.chrom.sizes gunzip -c genome_file.gtf.gz | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t";} $3=="gene" {print $1,$4-1,$5}' | bedtools sort -g xxx.chr...

    1426 days ago

  • Install SibeliaZ in your Linux cluster !

    ...121 KB certifi-2020.6.20 | pyhd3eb1b0_3 155 KB maf2synteny-1.0...0.3-he513fc3_0 twopaco bioconda/linux-64::twopaco-0.9.4-he1b5a44_0 The following package...

    1292 days ago