Results for "r"


  • Install asciigenome using conda !

    (JitMetaENV) ➜ viruses conda install -c bioconda asciigenome Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): / done Solving environment: done ==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists.

    1276 days ago

  • Download minikraken database !

    (JitMetaENV) ➜ day3 curl -O ➜ day3 ls minikraken2_v2_8GB_201904.tgz (JitM.... (JitMetaENV) ➜ krakenDB tar -xvzf minikraken2_v2_8GB_2019....fastq.gz ../mappings/evol1.sorted.unmapped.R2.fastq.gz > evo...

    1275 days ago

  • Install krona using conda !

    (JitMetaENV) ➜ day3 conda install -c bioconda krona Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists. 2020.12.5-py36h5fab9bb_1 Proceed ([y]/n)?

    1275 days ago

  • Install maxbin2 using conda !

    ...bioconda maxbin2 Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solv...olve. Retrying with flexible solve. Solving environment: failed with repodata f...son): done Solving environment: done ==> WARNING: A newer version of conda...

    1275 days ago

  • Create random 10000 SNPs in genome !

    (base) ➜ dupStudy git:(master) ✗ perl ../ -refseq SGDref.R...Check specified options .. Running simuG for SNP/INDEL sim...ount = 10000 The option titv_ratio has been specified: Generating reference-based vcf file...

    1272 days ago

  • Create random 1000 INDEL in genome !

    (base) ➜ dupStudy git:(master) ✗ perl ../ -refseq simuSNP....Check specified options .. Running simuG for SNP/INDEL sim...nt = 1000 The option ins_del_ratio has been specified: ins_d...w_alpha = 2 > indel_size_powerlaw_constant = 0.5 [Sun Jan...

    1272 days ago

  • Create random 1000 CNVs in genome !

    (base) ➜ dupStudy git:(master) ✗ perl ../ -refseq simuINDE...Check specified options .. Running simuG for CNV simulatio...ption duplication_tandem_dispersed_ratio has been specified:..._count = 100 > cnv_gain_loss_ratio = 1 > duplication_tandem...

    1272 days ago

  • Create random 5 inversions in genome !

    (base) ➜ dupStudy git:(master) ✗ perl ../ -refseq simuCNV.simseq.genome.fa -inversion_count 5 -prefix simuINV...Check specified options .. Running simuG for inversion sim...un Jan 10 16:30:40 2021] Generating output files .. Gener...

    1272 days ago

  • Create random 2 translocations in genome !

    (base) ➜ dupStudy git:(master) ✗ perl ../ -refseq simuINV.simseq.genome.fa -translocation_count 2 -prefix si...Sun Jan 10 17:12:58 2021] Starting simuG .. [Sun Jan 10 1...ed: 1925195826 The option translocation_count has been spe...files .. Generating the correspondance map for genomic va...

    1272 days ago

  • Install wgd cli on linux !

    (JitMetaENV) ➜ wgd git:(master) pip install --user ERROR: You must give at least one requirement to install (see "pi...lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.0.2->wgd==1.2...uninstalled pandas-1.0.5 WARNING: The script humanfriendly...

    1269 days ago