Results for "IT"


  • Biological Sequence handling with Perl ! $self = bless {},$class; if (ref($sequence)) { croak "Can't initialize sequence from non-Seque...e),$l-($l-abs($frame)+1)%3); my $s = $seq->seq; $s=~tr/T/U/; # put it in RNA mode $s =~ s/(\S{3}...

    2240 days ago

  • Perl script to check fastq reads qualities !

    #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; sub readfq { my ($fh, $aux) = @_; @$aux = [undef, 0] if (!defined(@$aux)); return if ($aux->[1]); if (!de...

    2213 days ago

  • Perl script to find coding regions in DNA sequences codontable DNAsequence\n"; exit(1); } # create two vars c...dontable can not be opened\n"; exit(1); } # load the freque...extract the two values or columns with a regular expression # A # the input DNA sequence. To split the sequence in segments of l...

    2214 days ago

  • Mapping with BWA-mem or BWA-sampe in one go with python script ! read mode. BESST provides a script ( for obtaining sorted and indexed BAM files with BWA-mem or BWA-sampe in one...the paired read alignment pipeline.

    2183 days ago

  • BloomFilter

    ➜ Tools git:(master) ✗ git clone git:// creating Tests/Unit/Makefile config.status: crea...nfig.status: creating Tests/Unit/Makefile config.status: crea...m Tests ➜ bloomfilter git:(master) ✗

    2210 days ago

  • Install Perl Locally !

    ...eate a folder where you want to install different Perls, and cd into it: # Note that it doesn't need to be your home...ode File::Copy::Recursive Perl::OSType Module::Metadata Statistics::Lite Tie::Autotie Tie::IxHash Log...

    2203 days ago

  • Perl script to find the distance beetween all the contigs and scaffolds $value=scalar(@$SeqIds); do{{ $value=$value-1; my $ofh = write_fh($tmpFile); next if $ch...t close file '$tmpFile' $!"; $cnt++; system ("mafft --retree 1 --maxiterate 0 --thread 40 $tmpFile >...

    2199 days ago

  • Perl script to run SATSUMA in loop !

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); # Usage perl for SATSUMA analysis # User need to set the reference multifasta file name he...

    2199 days ago

  • Perl script to convert GFF 2 FASTA ! => 'fasta', -file => ">$ARGV[2].upstream3000.fasta" ); ###### Output type description ###### # cds - translated sequence (starting with ATG and ending with a stop codon included) # cd...

    2198 days ago

  • Long reads mapper bash script ! to map your long reads and make it visualization ready !" #L...2 ref.fa reads.fa/fq 48 ont" exit 1 fi fileName=$(basename...== "bwa" ]; then echo "Mapping with $toolName" $bwaMemLoc in..."ngmlr" ]; then echo "Mapping with $toolName" if [ $readsType...

    2181 days ago