Results for "Genome Sequence"

Wire posts

  • Count number of fasta sequence $ awk '/^>/ { f = !a[$0]++ } f' aaaa.fa > bbbb.fa #count #fasta #oneliner

    1040 days ago

  • Minimizer-space de Bruijn graphs: Whole-genome assembly of long reads in minutes on a personal computer #msDBG #Assembly #Genome

    1026 days ago

  • The #Uniclust90, #Uniclust50, #Uniclust30 databases cluster #UniProtKB sequences at the level of 90%, 50% and 30% pairwise sequence identity.

    1006 days ago

  • Fold the FASTA sequences with length $ fold -w 100 genome.fa #Fasta #Genome #Fold #Break #Length

    899 days ago

  • #HUPAN: a pan-genome analysis pipeline for human genomes

    604 days ago

  • Which human genome to opt for #Genome #Human

    506 days ago

  • Dengue Virus Genome #Dengue

    56 days ago