Results for "Combining"



  • HGA a pre-specified assembler (Velvet or SPAdes in this version) and using a given kmer size. 3. Merging all the assemblies of the partition. 4. Combining all the assemblies of the par...

    2750 days ago

  • bedtools

    ...tool is designed to do a relatively simple task (e.g., intersect two interval files), quite sophisticated analyses can be conducted by combining multiple bedtools operations...

    2663 days ago

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  • Orthology Detection Combining Clustering and Synteny for Very Large Datasets #Chromosome #Clustering #Synteny

    3536 days ago


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ResearchLabs posts

  • Edwards Lab

    We study the evolutionary biology of birds and relatives, combining field, museum and genomics approaches to understand the basis of avian diversity, evolution and behavior. Our guidin...

    3865 days ago

  • Radka Reifová Lab

    ...y, we focus our research on two hybridizing song birds, the Common nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) and the Thrush Nightingale (L. luscinia). Combining population genomic and ecolog...

    3038 days ago

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