Results for "omim genbank embl"



  • OrganellarGenomeDRAW

    OrganellarGenomeDRAW is dedicated to convert genetic information stored in GenBank entries to graphical maps. The input text file has to be in GenBank flat file format, whereas the...ndriome). Nevertheless, you can upload any GenB...

    2878 days ago

  • Artemis Comparison Tool (ACT)

    ACT is a Java application for displaying pairwise comparisons between two or more...text of the entire sequences and their annotation. It can read complete EMBLGENBANK and GFF entries or sequenc...

    2856 days ago

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  • Structural variants PPT

    1000 Genomes data tutorial at ASHG Structural variants presentation by Jan Korbel European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Heidelberg Genome Biology Research Unit Reference:

    2856 days ago


Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics Definitions

    "Bioinformatics is a science of biologica...stored in public databanks (such as Genbank or EMBL for primary DNA sequences). T...b. Protein sequence databanks like trEMBL provide the most likely trans...quence database and its supplement TrEMBL in 2000. Nucleic Acids Res. 2...

    4006 days ago

  • Genomics for Bioinformatician

    Genomics is the study of the genomes of organisms. The...he NCBI for submitting and updating entries to the GenBank, EMBL, or DDBJ sequence databases....f tools for DNA sequence preparation (pregap4), assembly (gap4), editing (gap4) and D...

    4001 days ago

  • +9 more Top-level pages

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ResearchLabs posts

  • Nedelec Lab

    Location :European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany. Our long-term research objective is to understand microtubule organization in living cells, with an emphasis on...

    4007 days ago

  • Huber Lab

    The Huber group develops computational and statistical methods to design and analyse n...onditions and many different perturbations (RNAi, drugs). More @

    3949 days ago


