Results for "N characters"



  • cutadapt

    ...or primer sequences in an error-tolerant way. It can also modify and filter reads in various ways. Adapter sequences can contain IUPAC wildcard characters. Also, paired-end reads and e...

    3053 days ago

  • Cutadapt

    ...or primer sequences in an error-tolerant way. It can also modify and filter reads in various ways. Adapter sequences can contain IUPAC wildcard characters. Also, paired-end reads and e...

    2837 days ago

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  • Clean the FASTA file

    Mostly FASTA file contain NNN characters, which can be replace by random A T G C character with this perl script. It also print the FASTA sequence name, N's counts, nucleotide count and percentage details at command prompt/standard output.  

    4004 days ago


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Wire posts

  • Find a pattern in first 7 characters of reads. bioawk -c fastx 'substr($seq,0,7) == $TAG { print }' reads.fq.gz #Reads #NGS #Extract #Pattern

    2639 days ago

  • Remove four beginning characters from each line of the file. $ sed 's/^....//' genbank.txt #Remove #Sed #Text

    2644 days ago

  • +2 more Wire posts

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